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Volleyball (F) Prelims vs RH

Written by: Amanda Ong

Edited by: Jared Rajiv

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Following their Male counterparts, Eusoff’s Volleyball (F) Team goes up against Raffles Hall for their season’s opening match. In the pretty humid Utown Sports Hall 2, the air was slightly tense as the voll(eh)ballers warm up with great intensity.

Final Score: 2 - 0 to Eusoff

First Set: 25-11 to Eusoff

Second Set: 25-12 to Eusoff

At 5:08pm, we have Yunxi (Libero), Angel, Shirley, Jerica, Isabelle, Nikki, Shak, as our starting lineup, when the ball was sent into the air. First ball. In a rocky start, must be first game jitters, Raffles pulled ahead with a 5-1 scoreline. But right after a pep talk time with Coach Pei Jie, the team gave a strong “EUSOFF ACE” cheer and went again! A good rally by the girls ended with a good spike by Isabelle, 2-7 to RH. Combinations of amazing sets by Nikki, good blocks by Shirley and a good tip by Shak catches RH off-guard and another point is served. Eusoff’s turn to serve, and easily service ace by Nikki! Just wanted to note that Nikki looks like a model when she’s serving. Moving on, Raffles tries to retaliate with a spike but hits it into the net, 5-7 to RH. Insane spikes by Shak throughout this set, also reminded me of Hinata - strong, fast and on point (sheeesh). Good blocks by Shirley aided the team in catching up, 7-10 to RH. Service Ace Shirley stuns Raffles with 3 consecutive service ace. WOW. How good Shirley? 10-10 equaliser. Following with RH hitting into the net, and hitting out, 12-10 to EH, Eusoff takes the lead again! Shoutout to Isabelle who dived pretty hard to save a ball, and though it didn’t manage to get over the net, commendable effort still, never give up on any ball! From that point onwards, it was just a talent showcase by our girls, beautiful receives from Yunxi, good blocks and spikes from Angel, Shak and Jerica. 20-11 to EH. Shak gives a Service Ace, and another and another and another?? Too fast too good, 24-11 to EH. The last point, a good set by Nikki (as always) and finished up by Captain Angel, right into the gap. Point. 25-11 to Eusoff for the First Set.

Coach Pei Jie imparting his wisdom and knowledge

In the intermission, Jerica went straight to her phone, saying she needs to listen to her song as she feels jittery. The calming tune of the day is All Too Well (10min version) by Taylor Swift. Someone please bring a speaker to their next game so that the whole team can listen to it together!

Shirley winding up her swing for a powerful incoming serve

The second set starts with the same lineup except Bellerie subs Shirley. And the girls go again! Jerica receives, a good set by Nikki, Jerica gives an amazing spike! 3-1 to EH but wait. Raffles wanted to dispute if it was an in or out ball. Some discussion ensues until Jerica told the referee, “Trust your (own) decision Ref” and the point goes to Eusoff! Another insane spike by Jerica and the crowd claps. Isabelle serves and the ball just brushes the net and goes over the net, sealing another point for EH. Hinata-like spikes by Shak continues to wow the audience and shoutout to Jerica for saving a dangerous ball, 8-2 to EH. Eusoff pulls ahead with more good hits and service ace by Bellerie, 14-3 to EH. Wen Jia subs Yunxi for libero, while Lifei subs Nikki as setter! A beautiful spike by Angel seals 16-3 to EH. Yen Kit subs Shak, alot of freshies are having their debut IHG game! Bellerie tips and 19-5 to EH. She then spike right into the gaps, 20-5 to EH. The hall erupts into applause witnessing a spike by Shak, 23-8 to EH. Jun Lu subs in to serve and makes a good receive too! An intimidating block by Bellerie brings the score to a 24-12 to EH. Wrapping up the match point was Raffles hitting into the back of the net. Second set with 25-12 to Eusoff!

Best of 3, and having won the first two sets, the game ended with a victorious 2-0 win over Raffles. Well done athletes! It was truly a satisfying talent showcase. Come watch Eusoff’s Haikyuu in action IN PERSON, at their next match - against Sheares, 26/1 Thursday at 7pm UTSH2!


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