
Type type type… still vigorously typing…
Job scope: Keep meeting minutes and assist heads
Commitment level: Depends on how much work big boss gives me
Seeking to recruit: Not recruiting!
What is your favourite memory in Eusoff sports?
Kaile: Many good ones, no favorite! Playing my first IHG match, cheering as a hall unexpectedly lost their semifinals, seeing Keefe get absolutely rammed into by Suffyan, and watching the netball girls get IHG gold. If I were to choose, it would be playing my first IHG match as it was a great and exciting first experience, against TH no less!
People just wanna have fun(ds)
I'm the bridge between hall office and SMC, making sure that all your claims go through so that SMC can run their events without fear of never getting their money back. Also, paperwork.
Commitment level: Hopefully not too high if not I might just run away with all your money
Seeking to recruit: Not recruiting, sorry!
Would you rather get drunk from one sip of alcohol or never get tipsy no matter how much you drink? Why?
David: As much as I complain about not being able to get drunk, there is still some merit to never getting tipsy no matter how much I drink. watching my friends do stupid shit and looking after them is entertaining in its own right, and I wouldn't want to miss out on all the fun if I tohed right after one sip. plus, drinking is a great *social activity* to get to meet new people and know your friends better, so I'll stick with eternal sobriety thank you :)

Shu Wei
The behind the scenes ppl for all ur sporty hall activities!
In SMC Progs, we plan sports activities for Eusoffians to bond over and have fun! From Banner Revelation to Inter-Block Games, our goal is to make sure every event is meaningful and enjoyed by Eusoffians!
Commitment level: Varies from time to time but won't be so shag one! Just proposals and more proposals… :p
Seeking to recruit: Anyone that is committed and passionate in making Eusoff’s sports scene thrive even more!!
Would you only eat breast chicken everyday in order to win IHG?
Danson: Been through eating chicken breast only for 1.5 months straight for JamnHop and it’s definitely not the best experience… most probably would never do it again even if it means I’ll win IHG HAHAHAHAHA but then again who says I wont win IHG if I don't eat chicken breast? 👀🤫
Who would you call for backup in Eusoff if you got into a fight?
Shu Wei: I would call the HPB/ChongHonLek/Floorball peeps to join the fight because we’ll probably just laugh at the whole situation

Materialising Eusoff's greatness for all to see.
We make sure Eusoffians look good on and off the court by designing killer jerseys, inspiring banners, and lit supporter packs!! We also oversee the content creation for all of Eusoff’s sports-related social media posts where we feature our prominent sportsmen and sportswomen.
Commitment level: Most of the design work is done offline, so it's actually very flexible! Even during the IHG season, we will spread the load within the sub-committee so as to make it less taxing on everyone.
Seeking to recruit: Individuals with experience/interested in:
- photoshop or illustrator
- managing instagram pages (eg. creating captions)
- photography/photo-editing
- videography/video-editing
For those with no experience, we look out for your artistic sense and how quickly you can learn new skills!
If you had to switch lives with someone else in Eusoff, who would it be and why?
Timothy: I would probably switch lives with Ryan Tham to experience what it's like being a floorball superstar 🤩

Kai Wen

Eusoff’s very own Sports Illustrated
We write and publish monthly newsletters that highlight the different aspects of our sports scene, such as outstanding freshies, seniors and captains! We also cover sports events such as IHG and IBG, and make sure you’re kept up to date with everything happening in every match, even if you can’t physically be there. Commentaries, live streams, post-match articles… you name it, we got it! (pls dont confuse us with publicity.. :") )
Commitment level: Workload will mainly spike during big events like IHG and IBG but aside from those peak periods it will be fairly chill and easy :>
Seeking to recruit: Looking for people who enjoy writing sports commentaries but at the same time able to add in their own flavour and humour.
Would you rather play in the pouring cold rain or under the blazing hot sun?
Kai Wen: As long as there’s no thunder, I’d definitely rather play in the rain. The sun kills my stamina on the field and becoming ten shades darker after training isn’t a vibe… Anyway the slippery field helps me to dive a further distance so it’s better HAHA.
Would you rather be the best at your sport in the entire world or be the best at your major? And why?
Jared: I would rather be the best in the world at Basketball because number 1 I will love my job and it wouldn't seem like work, number 2 I would be able to meet all my idols wowowow and number 3 it would earn me big big bucks $$$.


No brains all brawns YUHHH
Logs is one of the very important pillars of eusoff’s sports scene, we ensure that every Eusoffian is well-equipped with everything they need so that they can succeed in their sports.
Commitment level: Commitment level is not very high, pretty adhoc stuff!!
Seeking to recruit: People who know how to have fun and can get the job done :)
Who do you think has the best driving skills in your comm?
Lily: Anybody but keefe your life is not in safe hands 😐😐😐
What makes you the most handsome man in Eusoff?
Keefe: Must be the dazzling smile Jk who the heck came up with this question ☠️😑 (yours truly.)
Wen Kai

Marketing is great fun if you are good at copy and pasting!
We source for potential sponsors for SMC-related events and follow through by ensuring a smooth onboarding process. We also deal with sourcing for shirts and other sikkkk items!!
Commitment level: Low
Seeking to recruit: 1 freshie (the one and only)
Who is the best at Chinese Chess in Eusoff?
Wen Kai: Gotta be Fabien, he never ceases to amaze everyone on the table with his expert guesstimation!
Choose 3 Eusoffians to bring along on a deserted island and why?
Hongyang: Darren - because man will take charge of shit and do stuff like building an sos sign, finding shelter, making water, FISHINGGGGGGG (we both love fishing).
Arkar - relatively funny dark humour that can keep me going spiritually if we need to eat somebody, entertain my philosophical questions born out of hunger and desperation so I don’t eat anybody.
Keefe - I need his washboard abs to wash our clothes and need his healthy meniscus to chase down land animals.
FM duties are the only reason I can function in the morning.
We do the booking and planning of facilities for our athletes to train, including the deconflicting of training venues from the different sport groups. This ensures that each team has the correct environment to train in. After all, champions need a place to train !!
Commitment level: Just gotta book facilities every morning and night till IHG, no extra saikang.
Seeking to recruit: Ssomeone who can be consistent in booking and communicate well with the captains.
If you could choose to be the fastest swimmer in the world or to be the best dancer in the world? Which would you choose and why?
Branda: Wah I can't really choose between the 2 because they have been pretty much part of my whole life HAHA. but if I were to choose 1, maybe best dancer because it would probably mean that I'll have a strong core, which is quite important for swimming so maybe it would mean I wouldn't be too bad of a swimmer HAHAHA and flexibility is a plus too. But say real I really can't forgo either hehe
If you were famous, what would you be famous for and why?
Keane: I will be famous for pooping the most in the morning 💩because I can’t resist drinking strawberry milk everyday even tho I’m lactose intolerant 😫

Manager of the managers
My subcomm entails the provision of welfare to our very own multitalented sportsmen to enhance their replenishment and hydration. Drink up !!
Commitment level: Depends on the captain!
Seeking to recruit: Efficient and philanthropic people!!
Would you rather be the smartest person of all time or be the best at your sport?
Kaile: Knowledge is power. I would rather be the smartest person of all time since it would benefit me in more instances than just being good at a certain sport.