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Volleyball(F) Finals vs TH

Written by: Amanda Ong

Edited by: Jared Rajiv

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Following Table Tennis (M) and Basketball (F) wins that very day, our female Volleyball superstars bagged home another gold for Eusoff after a very long and close match against our next-door rivals, Temasek Hall. When the last ball was touched by Temasek and fell outside the court, the crowd erupted into cheers and girls leapt with joy, huddling together to celebrate their efforts that led to this very win.

Eusoff vs. Temasek

EH 3 - 2 TH

Set 1: 27-25 to EH

Set 2: 25-21 to EH

Set 3: 15-25 to TH

Set 4: 22-25 to TH

Set 5: 15-11 to EH

Set 1: 27-25 to EH

Starting the first set we have: Main Spiker/Open - Jerica, Chong, Middle - Shirley, Angel, Setter - Nikki, Subset - Isabelle, Libero - Zoey. Nikki starts us off with a service ace, 1-0 to EH. Jerica picks up the next one with a powerful spike, 2-0 to EH. Temasek gains the lead to a 3-6 to TH, but Jerica comes right back with a backcourt spike, 4-6 to TH. Spike by Chong wins the next point, 5-6 to EH. Eusoff takes the lead at 9-8 to EH when Temasek makes a double (touch). Gaining momentum, the scoreline reaches a 15-11 to EH, prompting Temasek to call a timeout. But resuming the match was a service ace by Chong, keeping the momentum alive. With Jerica’s excellent reflex, she dodged herself out of the path of the ball and allow it to go out, another point for Eusoff, 18-15 to EH. Despite going against a strong Temasek server, the team held their ground and stayed on their toes to receive the first ball. Equalising at 20-20, every point gained by Eusoff was closely followed by another from Temasek, 21-20, 21-21, 22-21, and then Coach Pei Jie, manages to call the out ball by TH, helping the girls to breakaway, 23-21 to EH. Point by point, 24-24, as Jerica spikes to deuce it. The pressure to serve at 24-24 is on Angel now, but she aces it, 25-24 to EH. Net fault by TH, 26-25 to EH. Matchpoint for Eusoff, 27-25 to EH by Nikki’s service.

Set 2: 25-21 to EH

In this set, Nikki B proved that the ‘B’ in her name was short for ‘Best Server’. Nikki Best Server sent service ace after service ace, and coupled with a tip and spike from Jerica, Eusoff led the 2nd set 9-0 to EH. Our notable freshie, Chong, spikes a crafty straight and Angel supported with a nice block, 15-5 to EH! A wonderful backcourt spike by Isabelle, 16-5 to EH. Temasek makes a comeback whilst capitalizing on the missed communication by our players, 18-13 to EH. As Temasek’s amazing server steps up, and a strong defence put up by TH, they caught on 21-20 to EH. But the team braved on, executing tips and a service ace, with Isabelle sealing the 2nd set with a truly excellent serve. Well done, 25-21 to EH.

Volleyball ace Jerica getting the tip over the block from TH

Set 3: 15-25 to TH

3rd Set started with Temasek Hall sending their own balls out of the court, 2-0 to EH. But the opponents gained it back and we chased after, one point at a time, from 2-3 to TH to 4-9 to TH. Winning the hard-fought first two sets must’ve tired the girls out, and with Temasek Hall supporters strolling into the match, our rivals were rejuvenated. Good defence and serves were observed from Temasek, exchanging every point we gained from a spike, with another spike of their own. Despite a number of balls sent out by the spikers from Eusoff, mistakes from Temasek also equalised our own, 10-17 to TH. The point were gained from Shirley’s Service Ace and Chong’s neat spike, 13-18 to TH. However, Temasek was not far from the matchpoint as Eusoff gave away points to them in this set. A proper rest was needed by the girls to continue this fight, and thanks to the previous two sets secured, we went into the 4th set at EH 2 - 1 TH.

Set 4: 22-25 to TH

A pep talk for the team as we go into the fourth set! Jerica starts us off with a beautiful spike, 1-0 to EH. And the points just kept rolling in, spikes again by Jerica, how good?! 5-0 to EH. With all this action on the court, the Team manager Zhi Lun, needed to up his floor-mopping game, to ensure our team is playing at optimal conditions. No more slippery floors! Temasek starts to gain momentum as well, but a nice spike from Captain Angel puts it at 10-5 to EH. TH was back with a service ace from their ace server, and putting a stop to this server was a block from Shirley. Another stream of points ensued soon after for the female team, 17-12 to EH as Isabelle pulls off an ace serve. Our last year last chance (LYLC) libero, Zoey, a true guardian of the volleyball, puts in every dive and perfect receive to send it neatly to Nikki, kickstarting a series of touches that ends with that one tip or spike, that brings home the point. The team was inching closer to the title as Angel makes an ace serve, 21-17 to EH. But the pro server from Temasek challenged the scoreline, one by one, 22-22. And then 22-25 to TH. This was anybody’s game and TH proved to be a worthy opponent.

Set 5: 15-11 to EH

For the fifth set, it is a race to the first fifteen points. TH secures the first two points but Eusoff equalised immediately. With a spike from Jerica - who has been spraying an entire bottle of cold spray to numb her injuries away, we score, 4-3 to EH. Spike from Chong, 7-5 to EH. Another point for Eusoff and both teams change sides of the court, momentarily tricking the crowd into thinking the game was over. Tip by Nikki, 9-5 to EH. Insane spike by Chong, 10-8 to EH. Everyone in the Sports Hall is holding their breath with every serve and spike over. Temasek equalises, 11-11. Jerica comes back into court, Jerica tips and the TH blocker blocks it out, 14-11 to EH. ACE BY NIKKI, 15-11 to EH. The team runs onto the court and Nikki takes a victory lap. They did it. They emerged victorious. The only tear on their faces were tears of joy. What a match, what a team, and what a day.

Crowd showing their appreciation after an amazing performance from our girls taking home the gold medal

Going in strong and coming out stronger, our champions brought home pride and glory to our home, Eusoff and to their team - who supported them every step of the way. /GOODDAYTOBLEEDYELLOW

With that, we have come to the end of the IHG 22/23 season and we’ll like to thank all the supporters and readers who have been following the Volleyball team’s journey! We hope to see all of you back at the UTSH stands supporting them again in the next season!


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