Written by: Cheng Kai Wen
Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Photos by: Eusoff Works
Final Score: 6-3 to Eusoff
Wow, intense is an understatement for this match, and compared to the first one I attended against PGP, this was truly nerve-wrecking as the rallies kept going one after another. Both sides truly gave their all, as they all dived for the ball, made amazing saves and receives. Of course, Eusoff did better than Sheares in this aspect, though Sheares definitely had lady luck shining on them, as we only secured our win with our last line.
After more than an hour delay, our girls finally go onto the court, with Jerica HOOTS, Angel, Yunxi and Natalia (sub). This first set was super intense, as the rallies went back and forth and the scores were very close to each other. However, our superstar Jerica spiked and hooted her way through, as she had an eye for the pockets of space on court and utilised them to the best that she can. Angel also did many ace serves with very loud grunts (imagine the tennis player Sharapova’s grunts). All the scores in this point were well-earned as Yunxi dove for many balls, receiving them to the best that she could. She even saved some balls that Sheares thought were unsavable, stunning them left right centre. The girls also had amazing chemistry, as when one dove to receive the ball, the other girls would be at the exact places to set the ball and eventually allow the spike over. Though I must say, Sheares got lucky in this set and many of their balls hit the tip of the net and the net gods blessed her, allowing the ball to gently tip over to our court. It’s really a bopez for the girls to catch that ball, but our skills still prevailed in the end, as we claimed the set with a 20-18. The next set was another intense one, but the girls communicated a lot more in this set, and they won with 9-15. Come the third set, our girls were a little tired from the previous sets, as some out balls and misplays ended this set in Sheares’ favour of 6-11.

Angel powers through with some show stopping spikes
Line 2, we have Nikki B, Vic, Yueting and Zoey (sub)! We started the first set off great, with a spike from us, causing the Sheares girls to dive and roll around like bowling pins LOL it was quite a sight. The girls in this set truly showed what it meant to be all-rounded, as all of them could spike and set, not restricted by their given roles at all! Also, our girls must be too chio, as Sheares ball-watched a little here and there. With the dream team and cooperation between Nikki, Vic and Yueting, the set ended with Yueting’s serve, 15-11 in our favour. SUGOI (as Nikki would say) The next set was very, very intense with many long rallies that really got us biting our nails (I mean I would’ve if I wasn’t intensely typing on the keyboard to update our telegram audience). Every ball was saved with much desire and hunger to win the game. Unfortunately, our girls fell a little short and lost this set to Sheares at 15-10. Once again, the net gods shone and favoured Sheares, as their balls just kept tipping over into court, despite the ball hitting the net, ending the set 9-11.
By this time, we were tied with Sheares in terms of our set points, as we each claimed 3 sets. This last line would determine who won the eventual game. Compared to Sheares, who were a little bit too excited, our girls were much more composed and confident. With our captain Shyun leading them, Ash with her really stunning spikes and Shak with her ace serves, and Mabel on sub who did excellent when she went into the court, Sheares had nothing on them. The girls kept attacking, one after another, stunning Sheares until their feet were rooted to the ground and they could not receive the balls well at all. Perhaps this is bad karma for the Sheares guy who said to serve at number 29. I would like to note that number 29 Ashley is a BEAST who spiked so many balls today, it was as though they were fire balls they could not be stopped at all. The set ended at 15-8 in our favour. The girls got their mojo back, as we caused Sheares to run left, right, center all over the court and we just kept attacking them with the set ending 15-5 to us. For the last set, the Sheares volleyballers tried to make a small comeback, but was stopped by our beast captain Shyun at 11-4.

our girls in line 3 oozing with confidence as they won all 3 sets of their game and won Sheares!
It was an amazing match to watch, and I believe that the girls will only get better from now on. Catch their next match during the semis next Sunday!