Written by: Tanya Raj
Edited by: Jared Rajiv
Photos by: EusoffWorks
The day started bright and early for our Eusoffians. Not as early at 11.30am but very, very hot. The sun was so unforgiving, just like our players towards the opponents in maroon. Accompanied by our sports director Luke, the sideline support seemed very strong for a 12pm game. All eyes set on the win, the play starts, as the sun comes out.
The game started with the attack by Eusoff , all the way to the opponents scoreline, where we then intercepted KE’s pass, leading to a turnover where we witnessed some solid plays between Joelephants and Linus. With a quick one-two, Eusoff scores our first point, barely 30 seconds into the game, giving us a small taster of what’s to come next. Some solid bids, dives and throws were seen in this game overall, with play constantly being swung along the flanks of the field, our frisbee team easily pressured upwards to our very own scorezone, moving the attack to our own pace. The chemistry between players like the Joels, Tonya, Kevyn and Linus was just chef's kiss, leading to an easy 3-0 up ! Despite KE’s many attempts in trying to recover possession or slap the disc out, Eusoff was just THAT strong, with plays occurring via every direction, and full out, committed bids and dives for the disc. The wind did in fact pick up, leading to many incredible airbenders. I don’t even know how they use the wind to agak the speed and direction of the throw. Legit how ups man. The play resumes to a contest, where the players end up talking it out. See, a self-refereed game is so interesting. My patience could never. With a swing from Joel ang to Joelephants and to Linus, we brought it back up to 4-0. KE seemed to have felt the pressure at this point with the way they started pressing, and giving us a bit of trouble with continuing our attack. The break in the momentum didn’t stun our athletes too much though, because with a quick recovery from a turnover, Chen How found an option in Chelsea to Robbo to Alyssa and back to Robbo. Quick plays like these ultimately led to the easy win of Eusoff against our maroon adversary.
A guest appearance by star Nat Chong skyrocketed our viewership on the livestream from 16 to 28. You how good. Back to the play, we saw some wonderful catches in the scorezone by Randall, Shannon and Jakob, pushing the score up to 8-0. Not to forget the catch by our very own Joelevator (Ang), with that high jump that truly rivaled CR7 himself. SIUUUU.

Joelephants scanning the pitch to find the perfect pass
It was incredible to see the support from the sidelines further propel the energy of our players on the field, who pushed, attacked, pressed and dove harder. The attack drives were beyond commendable and safe to say, we truly were witnessing the hard work of champions before our very own eyes. Be it a freshie or a senior, every player truly did give their best in this game, and we as Eusoffians should be so so proud of this team.
“Treat every point like its 10-10” was some wise words we were left with from Keng Han which probably inspired our dear Aca head Kevyn to get the 10-0 point in our scorezone, With one last push, Robbo intercepts the KE play and we score the winning point, 11-0. All I can say is, another day, another clean sheet. Sportsmanship all around, hands were shaken, smiles were exchanged. This game was truly an example of friendship in sports and mutual respect even under heated pressure. No immense rivalry and angst here. A solid W in 30 minutes? Only Eusoff things.

Eusoff's Ulti team huddle after a stunning victory