Written by: Tanya Raj
Edited by: Cheng Kai Wen
Photos by: Eusoff Works
After an encouraging match against KE that truly boosted our morale, our athletes prepared to face off RH at 2pm. With a building amount of support on the sidelines with Eusoffians decked out in yellow, we started the game with Joel Ang, Kevyn, Joelephants, May, Tonya, Keng Han and Yiting. Stakes were high since Eusoff had been carrying forth a streak of 11-0 in every match played. The sideline supporters looked on expectantly for another Eusoff win. A quick start of Eusoff, with Keng Han’s voice booming through “no strike, no swing, no unders!”- a quick gameplay reminder for our Eusoffians.

Ultimate captain with her amazing catches!
Raffles proved to be tough, making the plays even more interesting. With many counters, fumbles and turnovers, we witnessed an intense start with intense pressure on both sides. With Frisbee being a self-refereed game, it was common to contest points. Yet, with every point Eusoff had scored, Raffles proved to dispute it, calling for a contest. The link up between Isaac, Joelephants and Kevyn was truly something that most of us were in awe of. The chemistry, the understanding, the finishing! It was truly astonishing to watch the swings to Kevyn from midfield, scoring the points for Eusoff. Those runs - chef’s kiss, With strong interception by Joel and Isaac with some skillful bids and dives, Eusoff looked to be making Raffles run suicides up and down the field with the way they were spreading. Despite the seemingly even play and possession, it was obvious that Eusoff did have the upper hand.

Superstar throw by our superstar freshie, Joel! :o
After a quick timeout, the play resumes with Chen How, Alyssa and Robbo on the new line with Isaac, Kevyn, Sulynn, Joelephants, May and Claudia on. Truly some freshie talent right here. With Eusoff’s quick one-two plays and passes (better known as tiki-takas to us football fans), it was inevitable that RH could not intercept the passes, Tiring the opponents out, Eusoff dominated the play with quick swings, bids and strong defence, with the likes of Chen How and Tonya smacking the disc down to intercept play. A special shoutout to our team’s ballerina, Keng Han, who seemed so agile and graceful in the manner he spun around the defence of Raffles, truly breaking ankles. RH however countered strongly, pressing back with a 5-2, to which Eusoff countered with a 6-2 with Robbo getting into the scorezone. RH was aggressive to dominate the play once again, narrowing the gap to 6-3. Yet, with bated breath, we watched some solid airbending moves between Linus and Yiting, who attacked upwards to May and back to Isaac. And as the wind picked up, the sidelines held their breath as the disc sailed to the scorezone, along the wind…and into the grasp of Shannon!!!! Talk about freshie talent in this team! It was almost a picture perfect moment, as the Convening officials blew the horn to signify the end of the game.

The celebrations after a solid play!
With some solid plays witnessed, and the win against a tough side, Eusoff seemed tired, yet determined to pick up where they left off. Dusting themselves off, our players graciously took the Win, yet also were reminded that there were in fact things to change and improve on. All eyes were on the next two games on Sunday, against Sheares and the most awaited game, Temasek. With their chins up, our players trudged on, another step closer to victory!