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TRACK SS 20/21

Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Shaynnie Koh

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: SMC Publicity

Zhi Xin is someone who never planned to join Track. In Year 1, he was just looking for a CCA to farm points and then the captain told him that track has no cut. SELF CUT! Without any hesitation, he’s in. He is loving it and Track is what kept him in Eusoff for 3 years. “This is really the place to be <3”, he said.

Though running is a blend of miserable and kinda boring, he is still LOVIN IT and super glad that he does not have to run up the CLB slope all the time (TOUGHHH). Aside from running, running and running, he enjoys the banter that happen in Track, especially the last 2 years (“Hopefully we can get back to insulting each other as a big group real soon!!” – from Zhi Xin to the team)

6 points per year was what Zhi Xin had benefited from Track. It ain’t much, but it is legit honest work, sweating and chiong-ing every week. Despite only earning “6 points per year”, he is still having fun and has created many memories in Track. In year 1, he was naïve, so he got convinced to run a 400m time trial. It felt like death. At the finishing line, his legs gave up on him, he fell and ended up with a cast. “Yeah, Track is a safe place to be a clown!”, he said. Till today, he is still amazed by the level of pain and stupidity.

When asked about whether there was any point he felt like quitting, he replied “All the time HAHAHAHA but losers quit and I’m not Yichen.”

Wise words from Zhi Xin, “No matter how fast or slow you run, your displacement is 0. As long as you get to the end of training, you are a winner.”

We have Emma, also one of the lightning bolts in Track who has been in this sport for 8 years now though it was not her first choice back then. Despite that, she is having fun and LOVIN IT too, just like Zhi Xin.

Track has helped shape her into someone disciplined and full of determination. What she loves about Track are the friendships formed and fun they have during training. The most memorable she has, was during last year’s relay training when they had to pass batons. Everyone ended up coming up with interesting ways to pass which led to a lot of bantering and fun. TRACK IS REALLY ABOUT BANTERING AND BEING YOURSELF like what Zhi Xin mentioned.

Apart from loving the friends she made in Track, she likes that Track has a range of events for her to try out different ones. She discovered that she loves hurdle and long jumps. Though she did not get to continue Gymnastics, we are happy that she is doing very well in Track. I have seen her run during training and she is legit fast like BOOOMZ BROOOOM!!

It is not surprising to hear from a sports person that there was a point they felt like quitting. It was at the end of Secondary 4, she felt stuck and tired being in 100m. Thankfully, she met a good coach in JC who had pushed her on! If not, we wouldn’t have her as a lightning bolt in Eusoff today!

Keep a look out for them during this year’s IHG! They are really good!

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