Written by: Shaynnie Koh
Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong
Photos by: EusoffWorks
Overall: Eusoff 1st
After a season's worth of training, the intense IHG race for the Track Girls has finally arrived! Thank goodness for the good weather on this Sunday evening. Supporters from various halls came down to watch the race and adrenaline filled the air while waiting for the events to start. Needless to say, the girls were super pumped up and ready for their matches! 🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️🏃🏻♀️
The first event to set off was the 4x100m relay -
1st Runner : Wen Qi
2nd Runner : Regine
3rd Runner : Rishika
4th Runner : Kwan
Even though supporters are not allowed into the venue because of COVID sobsss, everyone present at the stadium was still cheering their lungs out enthusiastically for their mates!
The event began well with Wen Qi who started off the relay with a powerful BOOOMZ, already surpassing KE. She ran like a lighting bolt!! The baton was then passed onto team captain and IVP runner Regine smoothly at the 100m mark. Her running form was like a pro 💯. At this point, an obvious lead could be seen between us and KE. No time was lost, and soon enough, the passing point was in sight again and this time, the baton was passed to Rishika, the only freshie on this team!! Rishika is a netballer and this is her first time running as a tracker - kudos to her!! She accelerated like ZOOM ZOOOMMM and turned into the bend smoothly and swiftly. WE WERE STILL LEADING and once again, their many hours of training and baton passing practices were not wasted. Rachel Kwan grabbed the baton and EH continued to lead the race! Being one of the star runners in EH Track, she ran effortlessly at her maximum speed, pushing real hard towards the finishing line. Soon, she bolted past the finishing line, beating KE by around 17 seconds. Overall, we came in FIRST 🙌🏼!!

Captain Regine looking focused and in peak form at the race.

Wen Qi's feet barely touch the track as she propels herself forward with determination.
Here are the results for 4x100m:
1st - EH 52.99
2nd - TH 54.65
3rd - RH 55.97
4th - SH 57.19
5th - KR 58.86
6th - KE 1:09.90
After a short water break and a few minutes of prepping the runners, our 4x400m girls got ready to set off for their race.
1st Runner: Angelina
2nd Runner: Stacia
3rd Runner: Sarah
4th Runner : Yijuan
After the intense race earlier on, it was time for 4x400m in the blink of an eye. Our girls paced up and down while waiting for their turn to get into the positions.
OKAYYYY and the match began!! Angelina started off the race and we were quickly leaving RH behind! In the last 200m, she was still going strong and running with feather-light feet. No time was lost this entire 400m, and Angelina did not even slow down by a bit!! The distance between us and RH grew significantly by the time the next runner Stacia was up. She may look small, but she certainly is very powerful. Not to mention, this is Angelina’s and Stacia's first time running a race. With fast and furious speed, the baton was then passed on steadily to Sarah who is a swimmer as well. She glided through the 400m with a consistent pace. It is worth noting that she is so tall her 1 step is easily 2 steps for the rest of us HAHAHAHA. Last 100m, Sarah burst forth powerfully before handing over the baton to our last runner, Yi Juan! The audience cheered loudly as our tracker and road relay runner ran gracefully. With her bedazzling strides, she dashed towards the finishing line!! Overall, we ended the race with a BANG and with a time of 4:38.55, securing the 1st place WHOOOO 🥳

Angie gives her all as she sprints to extend the lead she had over RH.

Stacia takes off with baton in hand, opponent nowhere in sight.
Here are the results for 4x400m:
1st - EH 4:38.55
2nd - TH 4:40.36
3rd - KR 4:47.38
4th - RH 4:57.80
5th - KE 5:28.71
6th - SH 5:41.46
It was indeed a spectacular race. Our Track girls have done a superb job in clinching the 1st place for both events and ended their matches really beautifully! Well done girls and cheers to the track team for their double gold 🤩🏆 !!