Written by: Shaynnie Koh
Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong
Photos by: SMC Publicity
We have two super amazing freshie trackers who run as if no effort is needed.
First up, we have Wen Kai with an extremely long history in Track. It was never his intention to join Track, he was actually in Wushu before that. It just so happened that his PE teacher who was in charge for the Track and Field team, saw the potential in Wen Kai, and kept convincing him to join for almost 2 years. Thus, one fine day after his Wushu training, he went to run with the Track team in his long pants and flat ass shoes (probably not the brightest decision because HOT AH HOTTT) and GUESS WHAT, this guy beat all of them, such TALENT and he joined Track 2 weeks later.

Track is really just all about running x3. That’s what he loves about it. No beef among Trackers. No one cares about anyone’s politics, just run only. When asked about what he had benefited from Track, I expected him to give me the standard answers like the friends made or determination all those but nope, “6 PACKS BRUH LMAO IF NOT I’LL BE A SKINNY ASS KID” he said.
Wen Kai is very involved in IVP training and rarely goes for Eusoff’s, so he does not have any memorable moment with EH Track saddddd (“hehe Tintin please don’t cut me”). HELLO PAGING FOR TINTIN!!
It's not surprising to hear that he felt like quitting. Being in a sport for too long can be extremely mundane. He felt like quitting every year as the training is crazily tough especially after one finishes an interval set and is vomiting. That moment really feels like death, while just quit easy game. Don’t worry too much, as he still loves track.
“You train for years just to have your outcome boil down to milliseconds. Treat all obstacles in life as such and you can overcome almost anything.”This really do be some wise words from Wen Kai.
Not forgetting about our Lawyer Track freshie, Jayyin! She was looking for a new sport to try and since Track was a pretty ups sport in her secondary school, she decided to give it a try.

Having given it a shot, she did not expect herself to stay in Track for so long, even till today. Training has already become a part of her routine. Though once again, it is just running, running and running which may seem boring to others, but to her, it is comforting and a massive stress reliever.
Jayyin likes that Track is always so challenging, which pushes her to do better. It gives her a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after working to perfect that one thing, to prove to herself that nothing is impossible. Being in Track has also shown her that, the sky’s the limit. Certainly, the friends she made along the way are the ones who made things a lot more fun! Her most memorable moment in her journey will definitely be the competitions and training camps she has been to. It is extremely comforting to know that there are like-minded people working towards the same goal and cheering each other on.
Just like any other sports person, she felt like giving up at one point. It was when she constantly injured herself when there were upcoming major competitions. It was pretty frustrating not being able to train but all these are part of the process. Jayyin is a self-motivated sports person, living by her mantra “ to make full use of today to build a better tomorrow”. This is definitely something we all can learn from her!
Open your eyes and spot them during IHG this year! They are worth the look!