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Touch Rugby M Semis v SH

Written by: Rishika Ghanamoorthy

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Touch Rugby M Semis v SH

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Overall Score: 7 - 2

There are intense matches and there are matches that really make you want to stand up from your seat and join the players on the field. This was one of them. I truly enjoyed the intensity, the team spirit and the atmosphere at the Touch Rugby male semi-final match. It was so hypeeee!

From the get-go, I saw the team doing their individual warm-ups early. I even saw Tien Chun warming up as early as 1pm even though their match was at 3pm because he pulled a muscle according to insider information from Yan Yan, his chio bu girlfriend. Seeing each and every player on the team doing their part was very heartwarming.

Seems like all the early trainings pulled off as Tien hulks his way past his defender

It was not the best of matches according to some players. For instance, Adam (E block bashie woot woot) said that the team was only performing at 25% of their full capacity. He said that the team has so much more to offer. These sentiments seemed to be shared by their coach as well. Seeing that they were able to comfortably win with a 7 - 2 at only 25% of their full potential, I am super excited to see what’s in store for the finals. The boys will be going against Kent Ridge Hall tomorrow, so let’s see if our boys can redeem themselves and go at 100%.

However, that’s not to discount the fact that there were so incredible plays out there in the blazing heat. Yuichiro’s chemistry with Wesley (also known as Wes no gas according to Ikhsan) wow-ed the sidelines. They really have this unspoken connection and had many smooth plays. According to YiChenator, Daddy Yui was so cool that he made Sheares Hall look like a cultural hall because Yui made them look like they were dancing on the field. These are straight facts, Yuichiro’s dives and scoops are really very cool.

Yui and his super slick moves that made Sheares dance in all sorts of different positions to keep him from scoring

We also cannot forget about Glenn’s incredible dedication to leading the team. From staying up till 4am last night because of Bash shoots to coming down early to remind Matthew the freshie not to “fall down when people touch you”, the spirit that the Touch Rugby boys have is a testament to his leadership skills.

Captain Glenn really be out there showing his boys what they should be doing - scoring!!

Other players not only stood out on the field because of their plays but because of their hair. For example Jaypy. Ikhsan says to watch out for Jaypy as he will unleash his Chakras. Let’s keep an eye out for that tomorrow. The other LYLC (last year last chance), Wesley also shouted at Jaypy to “Don’t so excited Jaypy! Control excitement!”

We also cannot forget to mention Joel also commonly known as Jolejet!! With the speed training he got from track and field, he was surely blazing the field.

The freshie boys also were picking up the pace and freshies like Matthew were even commanding their pods. They are surely learning the ropes fast and are listening to the seniors. An amazing showing by the freshies for sureee!

During the past few weeks, whenever I am down at the track, I have seen the Touch Rugby boys training incredibly hard. While other sports have ceased training, our Trug boys have stayed locked in and have been working hard at perfecting their play and team camaraderie. Their hard work is sure to pay off.

Remember to support these dedicated boys as they face Kent Ridge in the finals! All the very besttttt :)


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