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Touch Rugby F Prelim VS TH

Written by: Leonie Osckar

Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman

Photos by: Eusoff Works

Line 1: Yiyin, Theng Xuan, Alicia, Faith

Line 2: Phoebe, Jeyin, Claudia, Hui Lin

Line 3: Sheann, Nikki, Humaira and Elis

Overall: EH 10 - 8 TH

The girls played an extremely crucial match against Temasek today because they needed the victory in order to qualify for the finals. It was by far the most intense game of the season but a really well played one by both Eusoff and Temasek (y'all really had me screaming).

Eusoff began the first set with a try by Yiyin. When the ball was in TH’s possession, Eusoff defended hard to turn over the ball. However, there were a few fumbles and holes in the defence which gave TH the opportunity to score a few tries against us. The second line also did their best to set up strong defence while making a few good touches to get back the ball but again, TH managed to exploit gaps in the girls’ defence. This resulted in TH scoring another point for the scoreboard. Soon after, Claudia manages to sneak past TH’s defence and finally scores another try for Eusoff! With the difference in score getting smaller, this definitely motivated the girls to defend harder. Jeyin was making good touches and Hui Lin shut down TH’s player to prevent them from scoring any further too. The pattern of the game followed up during line 3’s play as well. Eusoff attempted a few tries but the TH defenders were quick enough to make the touch before the ball was down. With the last few seconds of Eusoff on attack, the girls began to bring down the ball calmly, but TH players managed to intercept the ball and sprinted down the field to score a try. The end of set 1 ended with a score of 4 - 2 to TH.

is Huilin and her opponent wrestling instead of playing trug..? eh SIKE what a good dive!!

After a shaky start, the girls still kept their composure and the first line started off set 2 with their mighty defence to catch up to TH on the scoreboard. Theng Xuan did a shut and stopped TH from scoring a try and they also executed their Mirror really well. This made TH mishandle the ball and presented Eusoff a chance to do a turnover. Unfortunately, the ball was soon back in TH’s possession and a try was made. The girls fought harder (a lot of clashing and falling on each other) to attempt a few tries but it was sadly, unsuccessful. When the second line went it, TH scored a try right off the bat. Claudia went for a try next, but was touched first. TH tried to burn Hui Lin during their possession but Eusoff was too fast and did a successful shut instead. Our defence was proving to be better because TH couldn’t pull their tricks on us anymore. The girls instead pulled a reverse card and scored a try after Hui Lin caught a long pass and just dived right for the try zone. Line 3 made multiple great attempts at scoring but they were touched again before the ball was dumped in the try zone. Nikki and Sheann had remarkable D and made nice touches and did a successful shut to defend the try zone. This resulted in a score of 6 - 3 to TH by the end of set 2.

beautiful touch by our multi-talented student athlete

The third set was definitely the most exciting part of the whole game because this was when Eusoff made a HUGE comeback. First up, line 1 began with multiple try attempts and although unsuccessful, the girls stepped up their defence and got a turnover right away. Taking full advantage of the turnover ball, the girls drove hard down the field which gave Faith the opportunity to score a try (she literally walked in). But TH did not lag behind, they scored a try soon after too (they were getting a bit tired though…). With the last few seconds on the clock, Eusoff was holding their defence. As TH crumbled through the pressure, Yiyin made her second try of this match during their turnover. TH scored the first try for the second line but speedy Phoebe sprinted to the try line during their next possession before passing it to Hui Lin who scored another try for Eusoff. This set was definitely where TH slowed down but our players were not tired, they kept the intensity high and made sure no opportunities were wasted. Claudia scored the next try even after being touched by TH, followed by Phoebe who also intercepted TH’s ball and just ran straight for the try zone. Sheann scores a try for the third line and with the girls' awesome defence (TH didn’t even phase them anymore), they scored their last try! The game ended with a final score of 10 - 8 to Eusoff and the team, coach and supporters couldn’t be happier!

where Faith literally walked in to score the legendary try, with 0 defenders in sight.

With this ‘W’, the Eusoff female Trug team seals the deal for a spot in the finals on 24/1, Monday, 6 PM. Please make sure to give them your fullest support and tune into the Instagram live on @eh_touchrugby because it will definitely be a fun game to watch!


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