Written by: Leonie Osckar
Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Photos by: Eusoff Works
Line 1: Claudia, Hui Lin, Phoebe, Jeyin
Line 2: Alicia, Theng Xuan, Yiyin, Faith
Line 3: Sheann, Nikki, Elis, Humaira
Overall: EH 8 - 9 KR
Today was the final match of the season for the Eusoff female Trug team. It’s finals day and they face off KR again to fight for the Championship title for IHG 21/22. It was definitely an intense match to say the least. The girls worked extremely hard and did their best to get to this point and I am sure that they and everyone else feel super proud!
In the first lineup, we have Claudia, Hui Lin, Phoebe and Jeyin taking on the field first. Starting off strong, the girls pressured their opponents and reward themselves with a turnover ball. Keeping the intensity high, Claudia attempts a good (but sadly, unsuccessful) try-dive. Due to jitters, the girls fumbled, but they continued to defend hard against KR which earned another turnover ball for Eusoff. Coming near to the try line, the girls pulled a sick 2 v 1 move and scored on the outside, resulting in them leading 1 - 0. Soon after, Phoebe scored the second try for Eusoff but KR unfortunately also scored their first try after finding gaps in our defence (score now is 2 - 1 to EH). The second lineup (Theng Xuan, Alicia, Yiyin and Faith) had tight defence and made good touches which denied KR a try right away. KR attempts a try again and although the girls tried their best to make that touch, the ref gave KR the try. This tied us at 2 - 2. The ball kept going back and forth between the two teams before KR scored another try, making them lead by 1. Sheann, Nikki, Elis and Humaira enters last and began their set on D. Both teams had good pressure to throw each other off and were maneuvering between offence and defence. KR then scored, followed by Eusoff. Eusoff catches up in the last second with a try scored by Nikki on the last touch (but no one can touch her) bringing the score to 4 - 4.

captain Theng fiercely avoids KR's defense line
With the scores tied, the girls entered the second set more motivated than ever. Claudia attempts a try with a dive but gets touched. However, the girls don’t falter and quickly set up their defence. After making a couple of good touches and keeping the pressure up, KR misspassed which presented Eusoff with a fresh six on the line. After Hui Lin’s attempt at scoring a try, Eusoff was back on D after KR makes the touch. KR capitalised on this chance and scores a try (score is now 4 - 5 to KR). With line 2 on the field and on D, monster defender Theng chases the KR player down, making her fumble. The girls tried their best to tire out the KR players on D but unfortunately, KR scores yet another try, resulting in the score of 4 - 6. Line 3 enters the field again and the ball goes back and forth between the two teams. But with the girls’ great shuts and chases, it gave Eusoff the opportunity to score a try (by Sheann) before the whistle was blown.

Sheann strikes again with a really cool try-dive!
During the third set, the girls fought even harder to tie up the score. And towards the end of the match (really last few seconds!), Shean threw a long pass to Humaira (who obviously caught it and scored) to bring the score to 6 - 6! This resulted in over time (2 sets of 2 minutes for each line). At this point during the match, it was amazing to see how the girls were still performing at their peak even after playing three whole sets. They never stopped fighting and lead the entire first set OT with a score of 7 - 6. However, KR caught up to them by scoring 2 tries (apparently they stepped out on one but wasn’t called by the ref :’(). BUT Eusoff kept pushing and D-ing which resulted in them scoring another try (after a superb pass from Theng to Yiyin) during the 2nd set OT. Keeping up the defence and pressure, Eusoff maintained the score at a tie of 8 - 8, resulting in a 3 v 3 sudden death match to determine the winner. Despite the girls defending the try line hard, KR unfortunately was able to score the last try. With the final score of 8 - 9 (to KR), KR was able to defend their title against EH by a small margin.

ex-captain Claudia makes her appearance known with amazing drives!
Despite not receiving the results they wanted, it was extremely admirable seeing them persevere and how they didn’t back down without a fight. It’s definitely not the end of the road for these girls and they’ll come back twice as strong next year so please keep supporting them until then! WELL DONE GIRLS! ALL OF US ARE SO PROUD OF YA’LL <3