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Touch Rugby F Prelims v SH

Written by: Daryl Chin

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Touch Rugby F Prelims vs SH

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Theng Xuan


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1st half: 6-1

2nd half: 5-1

Overall: 11-2 to Eusoff

It was raining cats and dogs last week but this Saturday greeted us with blue skies and some insane heat. A perfect day to play touch! Our girls were looking to prey on their opponents and earn their spot in the semi-finals of the competition.

First half: Eusoff 6-1 Sheares

Rena managing to snag the ball, which led to Eusoff's first try!

The first set of the first half saw captain Claudia leading her line, alongside Felicia, Rena and Theng Xuan. If you’re looking for speed and chemistry, this line has it all. The girls wasted no time kicking off the game, with Rena capitalising on a turnover ball, sprinting past the Sheares defence and scoring Eusoff’s first try! In literally the next minute, the girls again showed some exquisite passing with Theng Xuan scoring a try and even got herself an assist with a beautiful pass to Rena who also scored again. Theng Xuan legit went on BEAST mode here as she just grabbed the ball and outran everyone in the Sheares line. Really amazing solo try which got everyone on their feet! 4-0 at the end of the first set.

The second line saw a lineup of experienced seniors of Stacia, Amber and Anne along with freshie, Nikki. A slower start with a few missed passes and fumbles but the girls were so determined to score with Nikki and Amber with good diving efforts. A good pass from Stacia finds Nikki in the open and she scores for the first time! 5-0 to Eusoff at the end of the second set.

Freshie Nikki proves she can hold up her might against the seniors in her line-up as she manages to score!

The third set saw a lineup of Audrey, Natalie, Tanita and Phoebe. The girls were off to a fast start with them almost scoring within seconds since the start of the set. Sheares unfortunately managed to capitalise in a hole in the defence and scored their first try. 5-1. In spite of them scoring, the girls were more determined than ever, with Phoebe almost scoring straightaway. Finally, Audrey drove forward and managed to get it back! 6-1 at the end of the third set.

Second half: Eusoff 5-1 Sheares

Despite a W already in the bag, the girls didn’t spare their opponents. The first set was again played in style with Claudia showing us how it's done, executing two beautiful assists to Rena who scores TWICE. Really a solid line with good forward movement and defending. 8-1 to Eusoff.

The second set saw Sheares off to a quick start but some good defending by the girls gained us back possession. A few back and forth in this set but an opening came when Stacia managed to worm her way through the Sheares defence, scoring Eusoff’s 9th try of the game!

Last and final set of the day. Abit of a shaky start to this set with fatigue setting in. Sheares managed to take advantage of this and score their second try. 9-2 at this point. BUT what happened next was really de ja vu because both Tanita and Audrey managed to score in the exact same way. Both of them literally sprinted past everyone using the exact same route and scored, leaving everyone so bewildered.

Phoebe sprinting hard with the ball with team mates Audrey, Natalie and Tanita close behind

And that’s it for today, a convincing 11-2 WIN for our touch rugby girls! Well done to them and we wish them all the best in their next few games!


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