Written by: Sherwin Ong
Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong
Photos by: EusoffWorks
1st Singles: Si Heng vs KR: 9-8 (7-4)
2nd Singles: Timothy Kuah vs KR: 9-0
3rd Singles: Wilbert Loh vs KR: 9-2
1st Doubles: Divakar and Chen Hsin vs KR: 7-9
2nd Doubles: Bobby and Jun Jie vs KR: 9-5
Overall score: EH VS KR: 4-1
In today’s game against KR, our tennis players brought in their A game and showed KR why Eusoff remains the best sports hall in NUS!! Despite multiple postponing of their matches, these players have taken the time to hone their skills and techniques, showing their opponents just how much they have grown from their last match. Let us zoom in to the individual matches and see just how far our tennis players have gone above and beyond their usual plays.
1st Singles: Si Heng vs KR: 9-8 (7-4)
Si Heng was no doubt the highlight of the matches we have seen today. Down from 1-5, everyone was thinking that this game was a lost cause. However, Si Heng proved them wrong and made a huge comeback from 2-7 to a tiebreaker game, ultimately winning the tiebreaker game at 7-4. Si Heng is an example of how with determination and the will to never give up, you can turn an unfavourable situation around into a favourable one. Si Heng was not shy to show his funny side when on multiple occasions his opponent hit lob serves and he ran behind, hoping to surprise his opponent with his fast reflexes. All in all, Si Heng has shown incredible technique, skill and above all, rock-hard perseverance in his game. Let us wish him the best of luck in his upcoming matches!!

Si Heng with a face full of determination alongside the support of his fellow yellow shirt teammates behind him
2nd Singles: Timothy Kuah vs KR: 9-0
Our ex-national player Timothy does not disappoint us in winning a match by a landslide. His experience was shown when he was constantly able to control the pace of the match, mixing in forehand and backhand serves in rallies with powerful smashes and close-to-the-net drop shots. His opponent could not handle the weapons that Timothy used in his arsenal. Definitely a player to look out for as he is one to guarantee sophisticated and high level plays in his matches!
3rd Singles: Wilbert Loh vs KR: 9-2
Wilbert’s match was nothing short of amazing. He really brought in his A game against his opponent; scoring points off his powerful serves and crafty hits that caught his opponent off guard. In fact, his serves were so powerful that his racket strings broke and had to change his racket! Such power really shows that you cannot anyhow play with this player here. One wrong move from you and you’ll see him punishing you for making that mistake! Cheer for Wilbert as he continues to make Eusoff proud in the upcoming matches!
1st Doubles: Divakar and Chen Hsin vs KR: 7-9
In this match, Divakar and Chen Hsin displayed incredible teamwork and coordination against one of KR’s best players, who also happens to be an IVP player. Together, they put up a strong fight, fighting to catch up from 5-8 to 7-8. Such tenacity and aggression is to be commended! :) There was a series of serves and rallies by both teams, following up with the occasional drop shots and overhead serves which from time to time caught their opponents off guard. Lets cheer and give them our support for them as they fought the good fight. They may have lost the match, but they have definitely won the overall game against KR :)
2nd Doubles: Bobby and Jun Jie vs KR: 9-5

Star duo Bobby and Jun Jie with fantastic chemistry and team work!
Looking at the superstars and well-known players of Eusoff, Bobby and Jun Jie pulled off stunning plays and techniques that made their opponents wet themselves. Bobby, known for his cunningness and quick thinking, played to his strengths as he was at the forefront of the serves hit by their opponents, delivering the punishing drop shots that caught his opponents off guard. JJ was a strong supporter from the back, giving the high lob serves to make his opponents dazed from looking at the lights for too long and helping Bobby hit the serves that he cannot reach from the front. Although their opponents put up a good fight, they were no match for our superstars! They are definitely players to watch as they continue to make Eusoff proud in their upcoming matches! :))))
Overall, our tennis players pulled off the big W and definitely showed the other halls who’s boss when it comes to tennis! Give them a round of applause and support them in their matches against the remaining halls!