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Updated: Jan 12, 2021

Written by: Sherwin Ong

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Overall score: EH 4-1 RH

1st Singles: Brandon 2-9

2nd Singles: Yew Kit 9-6

3rd Singles: Divakar 9-6

1st Doubles: Benny and Jun Jie 9-8 (7-1)

2nd Doubles: Bobby and Elvis 9-0

Our tennis players showed great display of sportsmanship, tenacity and fearlessness as they faced off against RH in their hopes of making EH number one for this year’s IHG 20/21!! The support they received was momentous as every cheer heard was a point scored, giving our players the confidence and emotional support they needed when they faced insurmountable odds. Let us zoom in to the matches to see the players in action!

1st Singles: Brandon 2-9

Zooming into Brandon, a freshie with exceptional talent and passion for the sport, he displayed tenaciousness and perseverance throughout the match! In his first 3 games, his opponent was winning, but he did not give up and would not let his opponent get away with a clean victory! Ending the game off with 2-9, this loss has spurred the spark in Brandon to perform better and take his revenge in future matches! Truly a great showing by this lad, we hope to see him more in upcoming matches!!

2nd Singles: Yew Kit 9-6

A hard-fought match, Yew Kit displayed quick thinking and decisiveness in his serves and swings! Tactics, fitness, stroke ability, adaptability, experience and sportsmanship are necessary in victory, and that is what Yew Kit displayed in his match! At a few points of the match, he displayed quick reflexes in reaching for the ball in which no average human could react to! Do keep a lookout for this player as he never fails to amaze in a match where the pride of EH is at stake!!

Freshie Yew Kit, a rising talent in EH Tennis 🎾

3rd Singles: Divakar 9-6

Our man Diva, the man with the plan! Milking the points through his opponent’s mistakes, Diva never fails to punish his opponent. In several points of the match, Diva made his opponent run back and forth for the ball, only to be shattered by Diva’s incredible slice near the net or the sidelines. He also sizes up his opponent by playing rallies with him to see what his opponent is capable of, only to surprise him with overhead shots or drop shots that keep his opponent off guard and lose his momentum! He has displayed incredible cunningness and wit, manipulating his opponent’s movement as and when he likes, so do watch out for this player in future matches! XD His opponents should cower in fear when they face him and be careful not to fall in his trap plays HAHA.

1st Doubles: Benny and Jun Jie 9-8 (7-1)

This match was undoubtedly the highlight of the day! Benny and JJ never fail to impress us with their display of teamwork and coordination, mixed with some skill and willpower to win the match! In one game where they were down by 1, Benny always surprised his opponents with his backhand slices and powerful serves, whilst JJ rallies the team and makes sure his opponents can’t hit comfortable serves! Both teams showed determination in never giving up as they rallied multiple times, giving each other the occasional twist in their serves and ending off on powerful serves! On multiple occasions, they supported and cheered each other to lift each other’s spirits up when faced against insurmountable odds. It is because of their fierce fighting spirit that caused the match to last so long that they ended off on a tiebreaker game, the outcome being 7-1 in EH’s favour!! A match to behold of and the players to look out, we can expect great things from Benny and JJ in their upcoming matches!!

Benny posing on court like the STAR he is!

2nd Doubles: Bobby and Elvis 9-0

A clean victory by Bobby and Elvis, the pioneers who spearheaded our tennis team to victory! Their opponents were outmatched and outwitted by their display of incredible skill set, ball control and technique. To see Elvis make multiple powerful serves caused their opponents to wet themselves and see their score gap widen. To top it off, Bobby sneaked up on them like a ninja and surprised them with drop shots and overhead serves near the net that disrupted their opponents’ rhythm and momentum. Such level of play in this match is golden, as a lot of high level plays were made in the match! They even showed an exemplary level of sportsmanship which is to be commended for when one of their opponents’ contacts fell off during the match and they gave him the time needed to replace his contacts so that the match could continue. Victory is in the quality of competition and not the final score, and certainly these 2 have shown us an incredible and jaw-dropping match! Keep a lookout for these guys as they continue to plow through their matches!

Congratulations EH Tennis for their first victory 4-1! We expect great things from them as they face off against other halls in their upcoming fixtures!


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