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Table Tennis (M) Prelims vs KR

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Written by: Jun Lu

Edited by: Jared Rajiv

Photos by: EusoffWorks


Today our boys are playing against KR, and after putting up a good fight, we emerged victorious with an overall score of 4-1, proving the overwhelming strength and power of our table tennis team.

First up we had Hengkai, against KR’s very own giant, who is apparently their best seed. Hengkai took down the first set, but seemed to be a bit shaken during the second set, and gave it to KR. But that's alright since we all make mistakes. Hengkai took the third set back after a flurry of balls and quick reflexes. It was honestly very cool to see. However, KR proved to be a strong opponent as the giant took the last 2 sets. Hengkai was not feeling it today, and he was a little beaten up over the lost, but its ok because taking Ls help us grow and take Ws. He did a really good job and definitely should be proud he put up such an amazing fight.

Net we have Joash and Denzel, looking slay even from the warm-up. Interestingly, this doubles pair did not have many hand signs before their serves, probably because they connect through telepathy, because they still performed super well, with strong smashes by Denzel and sharp shots by Joash. They easily took down the 3 sets and showed no mercy to their opponents. It was honestly amazing to watch how fast their reflexes were and how fast the ball zoom zoom zoom across the table when they played.

Easy win for our captain and talented Joash who returned after his exchange!

Next Keith was up. He seemed so calm, and deservingly so. He has good serves that KR absolutely couldnt pick up. But table tennis service is rotational, which means Keith’s super weapon is kinda nerfed, since he can only serve two balls before it is KR’s turn to serve. Maybe this is better because it means Keith cannot trash them too badly and the opponents can still leave with a shred of dignity that they did not just miss 33 serves. It was so satisfying to watch the match, since his opponent was no pushover, so Keith dominated the table with absolute control, technique and effort. KR smashes out of the table 3 times in a row, probably shaking from how good Keith is while Keith showed him how it is done. The last set was taken by Keith after 468645625682 service aces, and although KR had a good player, he was no match to this beast, bringing home our second winning set.

Our second pair was Adam and Ben, which was kinda funny cos ‘A and B’. They showed us what it means to be legends in this game. Adam started with a nice smash followed by a slice ball over the net. Then Ben followed with a good push that KR can not find it in themselves to get. They worked with absolutely amazing teamwork. Adam missed a smash because it was a bit long, but it was a great idea. He then followed up with two huge smashes. Their game ended with two super backhand serves that KR couldn't get. And there we have it. The match is ours. Since we have won 3 games already. I guess thats why everyone looked a lot more relaxed after that.

Lastly, Jared was up, and he showed me how fun table tennis can look, as he fooled on the table with the KR opponent, but still, he showed his true colours with a good edge plus long plus smash shot, which was epic to see. Then there was 5 consecutive service fails, which was very funny. Jared purposely failed one serve to give KR a point, and then KR also failed their serve when it was their turn. It was such a clownfest. We had so much fun watching it, and it was such a fun set, which Jared won, ending with a sky ball into the void by KR.

The match came home 4-1 to Eusoff, and yes, good job boys, rest well and charge on head-on for the next game!


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