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Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Written by: Chen Kexin Edited by: Leung Lok Heng & Choa Zhao Xiang Photos by: EusoffWorks

Following their narrow loss last Tuesday, our Table Tennis girls seemed to be even more determined this time round, to clinch a victory, and get into semifinals! After a rousing prep talk by their captain, and with the support of their loyal fans, the match started off with a bang!

1st Singles

To start off the game, we had Captain Joylene aka SMASH GODDESS on the frontlines! As the very first representative, she clearly knew the kind of tone it would set for the next few matches and proceeded to smash them good!! She won her first set in just 5 minutes at 11-3! While it seemed like Captain Joylene was hitting a bit of a rough spot during a short moment at the start of the second set going down 2-3, she began to fight back even more viciously, eventually bringing to to a tie at 5-5. She then proceeded to easily win it at 11-6. With the third set underway at 3-3, both teams decided to go for a quick break. But that break only seemed to invigorate Joylene even more, as despite a transient, nerve wrecking period where she found herself down 4-6, she then came back stronger to tie it 6-6, eventually winning at 11-7 as she forces her opponent into a fault with her signature smash!

EH 1:0 PH


Smiley Joylene just taking it easy as she cruised her way to victory.

1st Doubles

Our first doubles representatives were nAtiOnaL plAyEr Amanda Goh as well as superstar Xinyi (is it just me experiencing déjà vu?) Their chemistry was off the charts right from the start, easily winning their first set at 11-1. PH tried to stage a comeback, bringing the score to a tie at 6-6, but our girls were undeterred and started to return serve after serve, and beautifully ends off their second match at 11-8. They were so good that apparently, their coach had nothing to say about them. While it was a relatively tight game at 7-5, then 10-8 at game point as the doubles dup managed to win their final set with a great return, ending it off at 11-8!

EH 2:0 PH

2nd Singles

Our next singles player would be cutie Ashley, aka Smashley aka Annette’s twin. She might be small in size, but she’s definitely strong in might as she manages to win her first set at 11-6, even after a small shock at 3-4(phew!). Ashley then wins her second set relatively easily at 11-6, winning the last 5 points consecutively, as MAD cheers from her supporters echoed through the KE7 hall. During the last set to her match, Ashley bulldozed her way through, eventually winning the match and her last set at 11-4!

EH 3:0 PH

2nd Doubles

We next have Chloe and Sonia up to continue our current winning streak! They might be small as well, but their skills were unmatched and they managed to win pretty easily, riding on a 9-3 lead to cruise through 11-5 for their very first match. With Chloe being pretty familiar of their opponent’s weaknesses by then, it was no surprise as they won their second match pretty easily once again at 11-4. Those two were never complacent however, and hustled even harder, eventually winning even faster for their third set at 11-2, sealing the 2nd doubles.

EH 4:0 PH

3rd Singles

We finally have Nicole (with no prior experience :o) representing us for our last match! Right at the start, it was pretty obvious that her opponent would be pretty hard to beat, and her coach even stating they were probably evenly matched at best. Despite her absolute best, she unfortunately loses the first set 0-11. Nicole doesn’t let that stop her though, and starts her second set strong by winning the first point, but her opponent really a bit too tough and she loses the second set at 3-11. But it’s okay, because she still looks like she’s having fun and is all smiles as she started her last set. Nicole really amped up her offense and defense, managing to bring the score up to 6-8. But her opponent still was too tough and she sadly lost 6-11. But as mentioned, Nicole was pretty dang incredible for someone without any competing experience, and I must say, this was a pretty spectacular experience so good job Nicole!


Nicole having fun as she treasures this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Final Score- EH 4:1 PH


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