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Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Written by: Chen Kexin Edited by: Leung Lok Heng & Choa Zhao Xiang Photos by: EusoffWork

Our Table Tennis girls finally make their debut after months of intense training. After a quick prep talk by their lovely captain, our girls had their game faces on and were ready to take on their competition.

Quick Rules: A player wins the point when they return the ball over the net to the other side of the table. If they fail to hit over the net, their opponent gains the point. The ball can only bounce once on the table. A set is won when a player earns 11 points.

1st Singles

To start off the game, we had freshie Sonia ready for her debut! Sonia started the match strong right at the start, wowing us with her rallies and serves, gaining an advantage at 6-4 for the first set. However despite her strong efforts, she lost the first set at 8-11. While she tried her very best to avenge her loss, it became clear that her opponent was slowly finding out her weaknesses and was using it to her advantage, winning the next two sets at 6-11 and 9-11 respectively. Despite the loss, Sonia was still a winner in our hearts and it must be known that her loss is not representative of her warrier-like fighting spirit at all. I know she’ll definitely bounce back with her next game!

EH 0:1 KE

1st Doubles

Our first doubles representatives were nAtiOnaL plAyEr Amanda Goh as well as superstar Xinyi! Both of them were slicing balls back like crazy and it was a nails-biting, heart-pumping game as they edged their way to a tie at 5-5 during the intense start to the game. Eventually, they managed to show spectators how Table Tennis should be played as they won their first set with 11-8. Their opponents were pretty evenly-matched though, and we then reached our second tie of the game at 8-8, tight like the first set. Despite putting up a really tough fight, it was just not meant to be as our duo narrowly loses the next set, at 9-11. But the tables were turned as our duo rallied harder to win the 4th set at 11-9. Ready to break the ultimate tie-breaker, it was an intense fight for the match as the two returned sick balls one after another and the duo finally wins 11-8, after a spectacular smash by Xinyi!

EH 1:1 KE

1st doubles

Amanda and Xinyi managed to pull one back for Eusoff.

2nd Singles

Our next singles player would be senior Jolyne, who is known for her SIKE SMASHES.

Jolyne simply bulldozed through her first set, easily winning it at 11-1! In a blink of an eye, she stunned the crowd with her continuous smashes (seriously she was sooooo GOOD) to win the second set at 11-0! Being the kind and generous saint she is, she decides to give her opponent some chance and lets her score a game, but ultimately still beats her 11-1. Gosh. I am now an absolute fan of Jolyne.

EH 2:1 KE

2nd Doubles

Juen and Chloe are our next doubles players, and they started the match strong with their 5-3 lead. Unfortunately a couple of missed shots evened it to 5-5. The two girls seemed a little frazzled in the first, and they eventually lost it after a close fight, at 9-11. The fight back to the top was long and hard as our girls were pretty far behind for most of their second set, but they finally gained momentum, winning a flurry of points to chase 7-10. They managed to tie the game at 10-10, but an unfortunate fault results in KE taking the win, with the score at 10-11. It becomes a little apparent at this point that their opponent was winning, as KE ultimately won the last set at 11-1, where our girls only saw themselves winning their first point at 1-9. Despite the loss, it was a valiant effort on both parts and it was really a great fight to watch!

EH 2:2 KE

3rd Singles

As our tiebreaker game, Ashley (though small in size, more than made up for it with her might) as she attempted to take the game home for EH. It was a tough first set though, where she lost the first set at 4-11. However, Ashley was undeterred and fought back hard, managing to clinch an advantage at 2-1 early on in the second set. It was a relatively close fight from then on, as she kept the scores even at 4-4 and 6-6. However, after a few misses and outs from her end, the set scored at 7-9 with Ashley trailing. She would unfortunately lose two more points, losing second set to KE, at 7-11. Ashley was still all smiles though, as she prepared to avenge her previous loss and pull off a decisive comeback. She really gave it her all during the set out but it was just not her day, as she loses the last set at 6-11. But still, mad props for all the effort!


Despite being pitted against an opponent with odds stacked against her, Ashley stood her ground and fought with insane self-belief. This is the Eusoffian spirit.

Final Score- EH 2:3 KE


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