Written by: Gladys Loo
Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong
Photos by: EusoffWorks
Overall score: 3-1 to Eusoff :)
Despite their painful loss to Raffles Hall a week ago, and the fact that they were the underdogs going into the match against TH, our girls went into the semis undeterred, and with a new game plan.
1st Singles - Zening
First up was consistently solid singles Zening, aka Gordon because she likes to swear during matches. Gordon started the girls off on a high note, taking home the first win of the day for her team. She won her matches with ease and confidence, as can be seen by the large margins in her scores. Thanks Zening for turning MPSH into your very own Hell’s Kitchen.

Zening hits the ball with immaculate precision... no way her opponent could have survived our own Chef Ramsay.
1st Doubles - Amanda, Zonghan
Next up was doubles Amanda and Zonghan. This was their first time pairing together, a genius move from coach Zhixin who cruelly forced Amanda to part ways with her partner of two years, Xinyi :( . With a solid 2 hours of training between them, they took the court. Anyway luckily they won their match 3-0 although they choke a bit in the final set but is ok they got it back yeet. Excellent Alpha + beta pairing… shoutout to Zonghan who’s legs confirm still damn tired after road relay the previous day. Shoutout to Amanda also because she is my good friend!

Amanda serves while Zonghan stares down their opponents.
2nd Singles - Shuling
Tennis captain Shuling up next in this table tennis competition, against a very strong player from TH. Very valiant effort from her as she tried to smack back some balls but i think the bat and the ball like too small compared to tennis so a bit hard for her to see LOL. Anyway TH took the W for this match but if the table not there I think Shuling would definitely win ezgame.

Shu Ling playing tennis on a table... the TH player needs to get on her level.
2nd Doubles - Sonia, Szehan
Since TH last singles player damn OP, Sonia and Szehan’s match was the decider match for the team. Despite this intense pressure, both S’s kept their cool and took an early lead in the first set. Their opponents figured out their playing style pretty quickly but despite catching up a bit, Sonia and Szehan still won their first two sets. In the third set, things looked optimistic for TH as they took a crushing 10-4 lead (first to 11 points wins the set), but S and S didn’t even focus on the scoreboard, and in an amazing comeback, calmly and strategically took back 6 points in a row to get a deuce. Continuing their streak, they played an amazing 2 points and won them, taking the last set 12-10!!! (AND BRINGING THE TEAM TO FINALS KEKE)

Szehan with an impressive return as Sonia contemplates the possibility of a W.
3rd Singles - Xinyi
As captain Sonia began tearing up from the W, our most beast player xinyi began warming up for her intense match against TH’s super duper strong singles player (to quote zening, “the best female player our age”). Bets were made- and Heng Kai offered to buy Amanda a car if Xin Yi won her match. Sadly, it was decided that the final set would not be played since Eusoff had already won, and the girls left the MPSH with a 3-1 win (but no Porsche for Amanda).
Zening 11-1, 11-4, 11-3 (W/W/W)
Amanda and Zonghan 11-6, 11-5, 11-7 (W/W/W)
Shu Ling 3-11, 3-11, 4-11 (L/L/L)
Szehan and Sonia 11-8, 11-7, 12-10 (W/W/W)
Xinyi NA
Good job to the girls, I think I was their good luck charm because last match against RH when I couldn’t make it and yusoff had to replace me, they totally lost but once I came back they took a W!! SEE Y’ALL IN FINALS WHOO Hehe follow me @graddofraddo on instagram, peace out.