Written by: Daryl Chin
Edited by: Lydia Ong and Chen Kexin
First up for our swimming TMs, we have Celine who is the TM for the female swim team! Celines describes swimming as a sport which requires a lot of self-discipline and teamwork and she attributes her crocs as the item which has helped her the most with her TM duties. When asked what is the worst thing about being a TM of the sport, she said, “no cute guys.......jk”.
Despite this shortcoming, Celine still says that she would stick to being the TM of swim when asked if given another chance would she stick to swim or be given another sport. Finally, this TM truly deserves to win TM of the month because she doesn’t wake up for 10am lectures but wakes up for 10am trainings instead :~)
Next up, we have Jing Ying who is the TM for the male swim team! “Just keep swimming” is how Jing Ying would describe the essence of swimming, which is in fact true. Her funniest memories from TM duties are watching the team practice plunging because it's either beautifully done or it will just be a belly flop.
This TM loves being in charge of swim and definitely doesnt want to switch sports because it is chill and fun but more importantly, she gets to see guys topless ;) When asked who she would trade places with on the team, she said her captain, Kai Rui because “he looks rly cool when he swims and i wana feel how its like to swim to well”. Ending off, Jing Ying says she deserves to win TM of the month because ACTIONS WILL SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.