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Swim Mixed Medley Relay

Written by: Cleo Tan Jiayi

Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman

Photos by: Eusoff Works

We were back at it on a Sunday morning where Eusoff Swim would be taking part in the Mixed Medley Relay event. After yesterday’s win, we were ready to take the crown again! This event required all four swimming styles, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly and Freestyle. The lineup of Branda, Kee Juan, Jared and Jamie were ready to smash this race! Branda would be starting off the race with her Backstroke, followed by Kee Juan in Breaststroke. We then had Jared in Butterfly and last but not least, Jamie with Freestyle. It was definitely a very exciting match that set hearts palpitating!

Up first, we had our dancing queen Branda with her stunning backstroke moves! She jumped confidently into the water, casually adjusted her swim cap, got into position and took off zooming through the waters! With a beautiful dive deep into the waters, she gracefully kicked her way up to the surface while maintaining her strong and powerful kicks. She battled her hardest against her strong opponent from Temasek Hall and never faltered in her strokes. She clocked in at an estimated 35 seconds, just slightly behind the swimmer from Temasek, and passed the baton onto Kee Juan. Wow, what a great start to this relay!

Branda looks ready and confident to kick us off into today's races!

Following Branda’s stellar moves, male captain Kee Juan took centre stage with his swift dive, coupled with his quick and deft strokes. He swooped in and out of the water and chased his prey, I mean opponent, down, never relenting at all. By the halfway mark, he had managed to overtake Temasek’s swimmer, much to our delight and excitement. Definitely a sight to behold as he trained his eyes onto the end, and pushed through all the way to Jared. He clocked in at a timing of 33 seconds! What a good fight he had put up!

Next up was Jared, a power force to be reckoned with as he unleashed his inner beast mode. He literally powered through seven butterfly strokes before even taking a breath! Who knew what kind of sorcery or insane talent he had! By considering his supposed ability to breathe underwater, adding to his good limb coordination and strong, solid strokes, it was no wonder that our team managed to maintain the lead. He completed his swim at an insane 30 seconds!

Lastly, we had Jamie who reacted quickly and dived in smoothly following Jared’s stellar performance. She started off amazing, kicking her legs strongly and arms slicing through the waters. Unfortunately, she was met with strong opponents and the swimmer from Temasek overtook her just after the halfway mark. Yet, Jamie persisted in her strokes all the way and clocked in at her personal best of 35 seconds, earning Eusoff the second place, just 2 seconds behind Temasek Hall!

what a splash! as Jamie reaches the finish line swiftly

Well done swimmers! You had put up such a good fight and deserve to be proud of yourselves! Let us cheer the swim team on for their next few races! GO EUSOFF SWIM!!!!!

1. TH 2:10:55

2. EH 2:12:30🔥

3. SH 2:22:86

4. RH 2:24:50

5. KR 2:36:19

6. KE 3:04:52


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