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Swim M Freestyle Relay

Written by: Cleo Tan Jiayi

Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman

Photos by: Eusoff Works

For the second last event of the day, the strong lineup of Vimuth, Ethan, Clarence and Yue Hong would take us on a wild ride in the Male Freestyle Relay heats against Sheares and Temasek Hall! This final relay of this year’s IHG would surely end off with a big bang!

Up first in Lane 7 was Vimuth, who luckily remembered to wear his goggles after previously admitting that he forgot them for a year (check out Senior Series for his past interview)! He readied himself quickly on his board, giving himself time to collect his nerves and enter his fight mode. “Take your mark, BOOP!” Vimuth immediately sprang away to enter the water with a neat dive, emerging to break into his fast freestyle swim. He maintained his current second position, just a few feet away from Temasek’s swimmer while ensuring that his other tough opponent from Sheares did not manage to catch up to him. Just as Temasek’s swimmer pulled away further, it was the end of the race for Vimuth who cleared his race with a timing of 33 seconds and passed the baton to Ethan.

Next representative from Eusoff was Ethan who leaped up like a frog into the pool. His strong kicks and high stamina persisted the entire race, with Eusoff and Sheares competing against each other while Temasek slipped ahead of them. Ethan’s dogged determination presented himself with the opportunity to escape the clutches of Sheares as he set out to gain on Temasek. He intended to bring their team back into the winning game, clocking in at a timing of 28 seconds.

Clarence was next to set forth, plunging deep and surfacing swiftly with rapid arm and leg movements. Slowly but surely, he stealthily inched up behind Temasek, eager to narrow the lead distance between them. With Sheares Hall out of the frame, we were mostly certain of Eusoff’s second placing yet hoped for an opening for Eusoff to get ahead to first place. Clarence propelled himself as far as he could, ending his turn with a time of 28 seconds, and handing it over to our final swimmer Yue Hong!

Yue Hong was up last, thrusting himself forward and landing far away from his diving board. We witnessed his fervent arm pulls and leg kicks in a final attempt to catch up or at least narrow the distance between himself and Temasek’s representative! He managed a time of 28 seconds! Unfortunately, despite the team’s insistent efforts and unwavering spirit, they were met with tough opponents and Temasek won this event with Eusoff coming up second in this heat. Overall, Eusoff secured third place, just 0.06 seconds behind Kent Ridge Hall! It was a good fight boys! Rest well and many thanks for representing Eusoff Hall!



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