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Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Written By: Tan Hui Ling Edited By: Valerie Chua & Jolene Wong Photographs By: Eusoffworks

As we embark on the journey of our annual Inter-Hall Games (IHG), we have seen numerous Eusoffian sportsmen and women give their all to fight for our hall. 15 January marked the start (and end) of an extraordinary and different IHG, one not to be played on land but to be conquered in water – the long-awaited Swim Carnival! With the past few months of vigorous and tedious trainings, our fellow Eusoffian swimmers were definitely well prepared to conquer all odds and fight for the glory of Eusoff Hall! Let us dwell no further and quickly dive into the exciting highlights of the day.

For this year’s Swim Carnival, there are a total of 12 swim events.

50m Individual freestyle (M)

Our very first representative was none other than freshie Eldred! With a fantastic plunge, Eldred glided smoothly into the water. Despite his tenacity, he was still overtaken by his strong opponents from KR, TH and SH. However, it was heartwarming to see him put up such a good fight amongst those opponents that had more experience in swim than him!

Next up to represent Eusoff is none other than the all-rounder freshie Ming Sheng! Other than being superb in all the land sports he is involved in, swim is of no exception for him! He started off strongly as he maintained the lead for the first 30m. However, he was competing with a strong opponent from KR whom quickly narrowed the gap and Ming Sheng ended up finishing second, falling short to the KR opponent by merely a split second. Kudos to the both of them!

Freshie Eldred greeted by his teammates after a fantastic performance!

50m Individual Freestyle (F)

We then had Hui Wen up next on the starting block. As the horn went off, Hui Wen fluently dived into the pool. Quoting Bruce Lee, “be like water”, Hui Wen was doing a fantastic job! Looking like one with the water, she gracefully swam and kept an incredible distance away from her opponents, easily taking the lead and finishing strongly as first!

Up next is none other than Xuan Rui the Dolphin! She made a beautiful plunge into the pool and glided through the waters. Swimming as fast as she could to catch up to her strong and experienced KR opponent, Xuan Rui finished second, narrowly trailing behind her opponent by just a few seconds.   

4x50m Freestyle (M) — Yue Hong, Jia Qi, Trevor & See Tow

Following a 10-minute break, we had an experienced freshie Yue Hong to start off the freestyle relay! Starting off with an awesome dive, he easily carried himself across the water with his strong kicks. However, meeting strong opponents from KR and TH caused him to trail behind at 3rd place towards the end. It was then Jia Qi’s (aka John Cena) time to turn the tables. Utilizing all the biceps and strength he had, John Cena grabbed and pulled himself through the waters, allowing the gap between him and his opponents to be greatly reduced! It was then their Team Manager, Trevor, turn to shine! With his fluent swim strokes, he was able to maintain the distance between him and his opponents. Last but not least, legendary LYLC See Tow was up next! With his stunning strokes, he managed to further narrow the gap between him and his opponents, but ultimately still finished third. It was such a great effort put in by the quadruplets!

4x50m Freestyle (F) — Sheryl, Anne, Shao Qi & Catherine

With dancer Sheryloinks starting off for this relay, there had to be a photo worthy moment of her diving into the pool, with pointed toes and a pose! Not only can she dance, but her swimming skills are superb too, allowing Eusoff to maintain second in face of strong competition from KR. Up next we had freshie Anne, otherwise also known as Dash from the Incredibles. With a strong motor placed in her legs, she was able to zoom through the waters and catch up to KR, allowing us to only trail behind KR by a few seconds. Next was Shao Qi! Hmm, if cheetahs lived in the waters, she would probably be that cheetah. Flying through the waters, it was as if we were almost on par with KR! Last but not least, we had experienced freshie Catherine that made used of her awesome swim skills and great physique to match up to our opponents. Despite giving their best efforts, their opponents from KR were just too strong and we ended up finishing second, just a split second behind.  

Shaobanana aka the shark taking a breather before getting ready to plunge!

4x50m Breaststroke relay (Mixed) — Isaac, Ashley, Cassandra & Eldred

We had Isaac Sekkappan up first to represent our hall for this event. He started off strong and allowed Eusoff to maintain second throughout the 50m, preventing other halls from overtaking him whilst trying to catch up and narrowing the gap between him and the opponent in first place! Up next we had freshie Ashley, the lawyer! Despite fighting her hardest, at the 25m mark, opponents from SH and TH started to catch up. Even though that happened, Ashley still did not give up and tried her best to chase them back. Up next was long limbs A block bash representative Cassandra! Her beautiful strokes allowed her to glide past the waters elegantly and she managed to reduce the distance between her and her opponent from SH! Eldred then took a literal leap of faith and dived into the pool without any hesitation, eyes fixed onto the finishing point. Despite feeling the fatigue from his previous event, he still managed to pull through and allowed Eusoff to finish fourth.

Novelty Race (Mixed)

10 representatives are required for this race. Freshie Jing Ying starts off first and her hard work allowed her to finish of 50m fourth! Next up was speedy Timo! As he flew through the waters, he managed to narrow the gap and overtake his opponent from RH! Cassandra then managed to smoothly glide past the opponent from TH and Charis maintained a good pace and distance among her opponents! Up next was legendary army girl Hui Xin! Not only are her muscles for running, they are made for swimming too! She easily scooted past the opponents from all the other halls and emerged as first! Whose sister is that I wonder!!! Both freshie Chloe and Michael then maintained the lead and widened the gap among them and the other opponents by an incredible feat! No doubt belonging to the sea, Hui Wen and Sheryloinks continued to widen the gap! Trevor concluded the race starting with a funny frog jump and finishing with 5 beautiful butterfly strokes, allowing Eusoff to attain first for this race.      

50m Breaststroke Individual (M)

Following another 10-minute break, Dong started off for this event. As the Human of Eusoff in the senior series for swim, he no doubt exhibited his flawless swim strokes and maintained the lead at all times and finished off beautifully as first! Next up we had LYLC Uncle Lui (Kenneth)!! Despite facing strong and experienced opponents from TH and KR, they did not intimidate him a single bit. As he displayed his beautiful swim techniques during the race, he managed to cling on close to them and finished third, trailing just slightly behind TH.  

Dong in his zen mode as he readied himself for the race!

50m Breaststroke Individual (F)

Starting off with Rai, her superb breaststrokes allowed her to maintain the lead, creating a huge distance between herself and the other opponents! She ended off strongly, finishing first for Eusoff! Next up we had Kah Kiat (KK). She was flying as fast as a dolphin through the waters! The final seconds grew intense as SH followed tightly behind her, but nonetheless, KK calmly touched the finishing point and finished first! Super good job to this pair of duo-freshies!

4x50m Breaststroke Relay (M) — Dong, Jun Yang, Kenneth & Yue Hong

Dong started off with an amazing plunge. Despite his tired body, he was still determined to bring the gold back for Eusoff! However, the boys have met very strong opponents from TH, KR and SH. As Dong started to trail behind these three opponents, Jun Yang went all the way, using every ounce of his energy to chase and narrow the gap between himself and SH. Lui then tried his hardest to maintain and reduce the gap further, allowing Yue Hong to finish off fourth, with only a split second away from the third placing.

Freshie Yue Hong impressing the crowd with his superb execution of strokes!

4x50m Breaststroke Relay (F) — Hui Xin, Dana, Maryann & Wei Lynn

A sick plunge by Hui Xin, yet trailing behind SH, KR and TH. Despite being against the odds, Hui Xin persevered and manage to tighten the gap between herself and TH. Speedy Dana was all ready to turn the tables and make the odds ever in Eusoff’s favor! As she flew past the pool, she easily overtook SH and became on par with TH. Marry Ann then used her long limbs and streamline body to swim through the waters and managed to bring herself close to the current lead, KR. It was then Wei Lynn’s turn! As she did an amazing plunge into the water, she realised that she was facing an extremely strong competitor from TH. The opponent from TH then overtook Weilynn and widened the distance between them, but Wei Lynn did not give up and accelerated instead, allowing herself to only trail behind TH by a margin, finishing off as third.

4x50m Freestyle Relay (Mixed) — Aaron, Crystal, Dana & Sherman

Fitspo LYLC Aaron started off this race, despite being behind TH and SH, he used his brawns to maintain a small gap between himself and his opponents. Crystal then tried to narrow the gap between herself and SH, allowing beastly Dana the opportunity to overtake SH! What a remarkable moment to remember! Last but not least, we have our final representative, our B block blockhead Sherman! At this point, SH has overtaken us again but fret not as Sherman used his biceps and continued fighting really hard for Eusoff, eventually finishing off fourth but having his personal best timing of 31seconds!!

Beastly Dana using every ounce of her energy to overtake her opponents!

4x50m Medley Relay (Mixed) — Catherine, See Tow, Daryl & Shao Qi

Finally, the most highly anticipated event of the day where all the experienced swimmers from all halls gather to fight for the first place. First up, we had Cat to compete with backstroke! Stunning techniques exhibited as she made a beautiful start to maintain the lead with KR. See Tow was then up next for breaststroke. Just like using a teleporting machine, See Tow was found at the other side in no time! He managed to widen the gap with KR and allowed Eusoff to take the lead! Up next we had Captain Daryl with his awesome butterfly strokes! With the already large gap between his strong opponent and himself, Captain Daryl gave no chances for any mistakes as he used all his energy to carry himself to the other side before the strong opponent from KR could catch up. While still at the lead, Shao Qi was the last to complete this race with freestyle! Her strokes were amazing, and her movements were so smooth it was just a breath-taking moment! And among the elites, Eusoff managed to emerge as first for this event! Well done Eusoffians!

With only 3 hours of this action packed swim carnival, it is not a wonder why we had so many supporters cheering our fellow swimmers on at the grandstand! Dear Eusoff swimmers, you guys were stunning and no matter the results, you guys are always champions in our hearts! Good job boys & girls!



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