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Squash M Prelims VS SH

Written by: Angelina Grace

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Squash M Prelims v SH

Jia shen 11-1, 11-1, 11-0 (W/W/W)

Clement 1-11, 3-11, 6-11 (L/L/L)

Jerry 6-11, 11-9, 8-11, 11-7, 6-11 (L/W/L/W/L)

Elvis 11-6, 11-8, 11-9 (W/W/W)

Kenson 7-11, 12-10, 6-11, 11-7, 11-9 (L/W/L/W/W)

Overall score: Eusoff 3-2 Sheares

Game 1 (Jia Shen)

Jia Shen, one of our MVPs, really looked like he didnt break a sweat throughout the game, as he won his opponent easily with his swift plays and returns. He didnt let his opponent score or touch the ball as almost all his sets ended in 2 minutes each, and won the first game of the day for the guys team.

Game 2 (Clement)

Clement is very new to the game of squash, however he improved greatly throughout the match, which could be seen clearly through the points of the game. Clement sought for tips and improvements and persevered on, helping him gain more points with every set and he lost narrowly to his opponent in each set. He even had some good plays that rekt his opponents, such as returning some great corner balls that made his opponent dove for the ball multiple times. Despite losing all his sets, he displayed so much of the Eusoff fighting spirit and everyone was so proud of him for fighting hard!

Newcomer Clement in what appears to be a high level yoga position as he attempts to return the ball

Game 3 (Jerry)

Jerry’s game today was incredibly intense. Both Jerry and his opponent were not willing to give points away to each other as each point gained in every set was hard-earned after a tough fight. He managed to save so many low balls as the opponent tried to challenge him, but Jerry remained unfazed. However, in a turn of events, Jerry got blocked by the opponent twice and there was no obstruction call, eventually causing him to lose the set despite being in the lead at first, ending the first set at 6-11. Of course, Jerry didnt give up and took the second set of the match with 11-9, as he saved his opponents balls so swiftly that it made his opponent panic. However, he lost the third set (8-11), but it must be noted that he did not give it up without a fight as he tired his opponents out by making them run around. This strategic playing allowed him to win the fourth set (11-7) with his masterful shots, making his opponent dive for the ball time and time again (ask him to change cca to diving instead?). The last set was the tiebreaker and undoubtedly the most intense, and Jerry managed to narrow the gap but not quick enough :( as he lost the last set with a 6-11. Really props to Jerry for persevering on in his match and coming in sO CLOSE to winning(!!!!) despite the unfair calls and being constantly BMed by the opponent, good job!!!

Game 4 (Elvis)

Elvis, the captain of the squash team this year, rly looked hella intimidating while warming up beside his opponent in the court. During his sets, Elvis’ skillful play, especially the low balls, were sufficient to cause his opponents multiple dives, whereas he masterfully returned any low balls placed to give him a challenge. Honestly though, his opponent from SH had a solid play and was able to return Elvis’ sik shots. However, he really couldn't be stopped throughout this match, causing both him and his opponent to run around the court like crazy, and even made his opponent fall! Gotta say that the last set was the most exciting one of this match because whenever we managed to score a point, SH always managed to follow suit and win another point, hence always bringing it to a tie. But there's no doubt that Elvis would bring it back up for Eusoff, ending the match with a solid W of 11-6, 11-8, 11-9.

Game 5 (Kenson)

Our fave computer science and sports god (proclaimed by friends?admirers?) looking ever confident and ready to bring home the win for Eusoff

Last match of the day, and also the match that determined whether Sheares or Eusoff would win today’s preliminary round. The pressure was on him but it didnt get to him as he managed to win beautifully! Watching Kenson’s game literally made me stare at all the sets dumbfounded as I attempted to give decent commentaries on the telegram channel because this intense match left me in awe. Both players were holding on to their precious points so tightly. Kenson lost the first set with 7-11, but it was a tenacious fight as he managed to slowly narrow down the initial 8 point gap (rly amazing effort for bouncing back!). He was amazing at returning all these low shots, really nothing scares him anymore! His momentum kept him going throughout this set, and even though he was lagging behind at first, he managed to eventually get ahead to win this set with 12-10. Some mistakes were made which led to a loss in the third set (6-11), but that didnt bring Kenson down as he had a breakthrough in the last two sets. With mad runs in the small courts and strategic and powerful smashes, Kenson swiftly takes the last 2 sets (11-7, 11-9). Not only did he win his own game, he also won this preliminary round for EUSOFF!

Overall, all the boys played amazingly today and made Eusoff proud. Let’s give it up to them for their big W today and support them in their upcoming matches! (This coming weekend!! xD)


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