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Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Written By: Tay Jinwen Edited By: Valerie Chua & Jolene Wong Photographs By: Eusoffworks

It was finally the day for the final battle of the season between Eusoff and Temasek where the only one hall can emerge as the winner and call themselves the champions. An overwhelming  sea of yellow could be seen surrounding the Squash court equipped with a drum, all ready to cheer their hearts out for our fellow Eusoffians. It was going to be a tough battle for our girls as TH had 2 IVP players in their lineup. Yet, our girls were extremely courageous and were not intending to go home without a fight.

As usual, Rika started off the game and took the first score with a sikkk smash which left her opponent dumbfounded. However, TH then came back with 2 drop shots with really precise ball-placement which helped them take the lead by 1. Even though Rika was extremely fast and managed to save many cross-court corner shots dealt by her opponent, it was too much to handle as her opponent was on point with all the balls and hit soft drop shots right after her hard smashes. Soon, TH extended the lead 4-10 and they were at match point. Rika then responded with 2 super hard cross court drives of her own which sent her opponent flying to the ground but failing to receive it and the score was now 6-10 to TH! Unfortunately, TH still managed to remain calm and after a long rally, TH took the first set 11-6. For the second and third set, TH kept hitting the ball to the far corners and the very front of the court. Despite this, Rika played amazingly! She threw her entire body to save a crazy corner shot by her opponent from one end of the court to the other. However, she was getting exhausted from all these spectacular saves and her opponent had really great court awareness and skills which gave Rika barely any time to catch her breath before she has to dive to save another ball. In the end, TH took the first win but Rika really did us all proud with her perseverance and her hunger to win on the court with her insane saves even when we all thought it was impossible to reach. Well done Rika!

Japanese superstar Rika ready to make a powerful backhand smash

Up next, Fongling was matched up against the other IVP player from TH. Right off the bat, TH hit 3 hard drives to the far corner and took 3 points. With the cheers from her fellow Eusoffians, Fongling regained her composure and swung her racquet back, faking a hard smash. Little did her opponent know, Fongling decided to go for a drop shot instead and threw her opponent completely off guard! WHAT A MASTER OF DECEPTION!! Fongling was doing really well despite her opponent’s skills and managed to save many hard balls hit to the corners. However, her opponent was really fast and experienced. Even as Fongling hit multiple boast shots at her, TH was able to receive them and the first set ended with a score 4-11 to TH. The second set started off with some lucky plays by TH and some mishits by Fongling which resulted in TH taking a 6-0 lead. Despite the huge deficit, Fongling suddenly whipped her racquet through the air and hit a boast which sent her opponent spinning!! It was as if she was sending a message that the fight was not over yet. Fongling then went on a roll, attempting to stage a come back with another insane boast shot to the corner and a thunderous smash cross court drive which brought the score 4-10. Sadly, her TH opponent was pretty athletic and could predict Fongling’s ball placements, which resulted in TH taking the second and third set 11-4 and 11-4. Though it was unfortunate, Fongling played like a true champion and leader. She gave her all in every shot and even dived to save some balls that seemed hopeless. MAD RESPECT for our captain who stood strong against her opponent and showed us what it means to be a Eusoffian with that fighting spirit of hers.

Even though the score was now 2-0 to TH, the Squash girls still stayed tight together and screamed their lungs out, determined to take the next few games to send TH home. Farah was next in line to match up against her TH opponent. Although the pressure was on her to take the game, Farah could still sweetly smile as she picked up her racquet and stepped into the battle zone. Do not be fooled by Farah’s gentle facade for she was a really strategic and skillful player! Right from the start, Farah made her opponent dash up and down the court, faked hard smashes but ended up hitting soft drop shots. The look of frustration and desperation on her opponent’s face was unforgettable as beads of sweat streamed down her face and she was close to begging for mercy. It was only the first set and Farah took the game 11-3 easily. Even in the second and third set, Farah continued to capitalise on her opponent’s weak backhand stroke and smashed multiple cross-court drives to finish off her opponent quickly and cleanly. Although her opponent’s efforts were indeed commendable as she dived across the court to receive Farah’s well placed shots, it was not enough and the ball flew past her reach. Farah then saved Eusoff from elimination and took the game, sweeping the last two sets with scores at 11-5 and 11-2.

Do not be fooled by Sarah’s small physique, she definitely has what it takes to pull of some siKKkk plays!

Right after Farah’s clutch game, her RAH-RAH duo Sarah, was up next to take the stage! Both Sarah and her opponent started off with thunderous smashes and their scores were neck to neck at 2-2. After a long rally, Sarah suddenly pulled off a drop shot which ANKLE BROKE her opponent and made her spin in circles trying to find the ball! KOBEEEEE!! The shouts and cheers from Eusoffians were deafening and filled the entire court. WHAT A PLAY! As if this is not enough, Sarah then hit another drop shot if such a soft touch that it barely bounced when it touched the floor, making it impossible for her opponent to receive. She then hit another boast shot and sent her opponent spinning in circles, taking a huge lead 7-2!! In just 1 minute, Sarah created an entire highlight reel for herself!! However, her opponent was not to be underestimated and she suddenly got fired up, hitting drop shots back at Sarah making Sarah sprint from end to end. Despite the pressure, Sarah did some insane saves and the score was at 10-11 to TH. Sarah then did a crazy cross court drive but her opponent suddenly flew forward unexpectedly and somehow managed to save it, hit a drop shot and score the final point. After the extremely exhausting and intense first set, the momentum and adrenaline were on TH’s side and despite Sarah’s hard-fought effort to throw herself onto the ground to save the ball, it was not enough and TH won the game.

It was now Felicia’s, or affectionately known as Fish, turn on court. Even though we conceded overall to TH, our sea of yellow supporters remained by the stands, cheering on for our last player. It was indeed a heartwarming scene to see Eusoffians still cheering and drumming as Fish brandished her trusty racquet with a determined look in her eyes and stormed into the battlefield. Fish was a merciless assassin, destroying her opponent swiftly with hard smashes followed by dropshots. It was as if she had eyes on the back of her head and she knew exactly where her opponent was, sending the balls in the opposite direction. She then hit many high rock-hard serves that flew way above her opponent’s reach despite TH’s feeble attempt to jump for the save but whipped nothing but air. Fish continued baiting her opponent with slow near shots andddd BANG! All of a sudden, the ball was seen flying across the court to the far corner, catching everyone off guard. Fish totally owned the entire game and even dived to save many drop shots and corner shots that her opponent attempted to pull off. Her efforts and splendid plays got the crowd roaring as if we had won the world cup when she swept the 3 sets, 11-3, 11-1 and 12-10, and took the last win for Eusoff.

Although the girls missed out ever so slightly on the championship, they definitely placed first in our hearts. Their blood, sweat and tears were left out on the court with no regrets as they played their hearts out in the final showdown. Nothing could beat this amazing feeling as we witnessed our fellow Eusoffians put up such a tough fight. Well done girls!! You girls will always be the supergirls in our hearts!


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