Written by: Aravind Madabhushi
Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Photos by: Eusoff Works
Line 1: Benjamin, Tien Yu, Charmaine, Sheena
Line 2: Taka, Divakar, Kelly, Emma
Line 3: Si Heng, Justin, Bowie, Sheryl
Final score: 22-14 to Eusoff
Our softballers stepped onto the pitch this morning full of triumph and excitement, ready to vanquish the opponents they met during the group stage just over a week ago, yet again.
The game began with a powerful start from our first line, with the likes of Ben, Tien, Charmaine, and Sheena. While they managed to masterfully keep driving the ball downfield and bringing runners home, they were met with a very strong resistance from RH, who managed to hold them off to a mere 4 runs. Hungry for revenge since their last standoff against us, RH presented a very strong first innings, who managed to walk away with a score of 4-7, putting RH in the lead.

Sheryl Kong (also known as KONGLONG) prepared for a solid hit to bring her to first base
The second inning started with Taka entering the box, accompanied by Emma, Kelly, and Divakar. Despite their efforts to mask their uneasiness whenever Taka was in the box, it was clear that we had an edge over them, and this edge did indeed pay off as we managed to win the second innings with a close margin of 1-0, bringing us closer to a comeback.
With the scales tilted towards RH, the third innings began with a score of 5-7, which brought Bowie, Siheng, Sheryl, and Justin to the field. With the experience our players had collected over the years of playing softball, excellent batting, and textbook fielding from our third line, we managed to hold off RH to a clean sheet, bringing the total score to 6-7.
Tensions began to build up during the 4th innings, as a couple of unlucky plays by Ben’s line, as well as RH being sharp enough to capitalize on our mistakes, managed to put the odds in RH’s favour, as the innings ended with a score of 2-7 to RH, putting us 6 points behind.
As the pressure began to build up, our line 2 and 3 managed to step up and shine, and their hard walk did indeed pay off as they each managed to hold off RH to a score of 7-0, bringing the final score to 22-14. While RH had a clear edge over us throughout the game, our players never gave up and their spirit did indeed come through, as they managed to clinch a beautiful victory through a clutch play. Well done to our softballers!
Shoutout to Jeyin and Darren Sum for helping manage the livestream and telegram channel, convening for organizing this game, and RH softball who played a beautiful 6 innings and were excellent opponents to us. Catch our softballers in action tomorrow as they take on TH in the finals!