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Softball Prelim VS RH

Written by: Aravind Madabhushi

Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman

Photos by: Eusoff Works

Line 1: Benjamin, Jerry, Bowie, Emma

Line 2: Tien Yu, Justin, Ruo Wei, Sheena

Line 3: Taka, Jax, Kelly, Natasha

Final score: 20-0 to Eusoff

After a rest day yesterday for our softballers (and the sun), our players, once again, got their shoes dirty when they stepped into the muddy field 3, which was still showing traces of this morning’s dew.

With their spirits held high, the first innings marked the debut of both Bowie and Jerry, both of whom delivered an awesome performance today that the crowd loved. As opposed to previous games, where each inning was capped at a maximum of 10 runs, today’s innings were capped at 7 runs each. With a multitude of monster hits from Ben’s line, our softballers managed to rack up 6 runs on the scoreboard before RH managed to strike all of them out. However, despite not reaching their targeted 7 runs, when the second leg of the innings began, our fielders were extremely hardworking and played to perfection, managing to finish the innings with a clean sheet, with a score of 6-0.

yay all smiles from line 1 after scoring 6-0!

The second innings was opened by our star freshie Tien Yu, who managed to start the innings with a bang, driving the ball far outfield every time he had the opportunity to do so. Coupled with the pure skill and power demonstrated by Ruo Wei, Sheena, and Justin, our second line managed to bring the point difference up to 11, leaving us with a strong edge over RH as we moved into the second leg of the innings. Determined to maintain our clean sheet, our fielders were extremely dedicated and chased down every ball that came near them, and with a couple of run outs and a beautiful catch by Sheena managed to put an end to RH’s batting regime and keep the score at 11-0.

Ruowei once again, with a POWERFUL swING

The third innings saw the return of “coach” Taka, who being a strong opener, did not disappoint. With the help of the rest of his line, Kelly, Natasha, and Jax, our batters managed to respond to every good ball with an equally powerful hit and managed to add on to the point difference. However, their innings came short as RH managed to keep up with their swings and hits with textbook fielding and managed to get us out before we could reach the maximum of 7 points. As we transitioned into “3rd down”, or the second leg of the innings, our fielders were steadfast and diligent in their pitching and fielding and managed to end the innings with RH still scoreless.

truly our senior superstar, Natasha!!

The fourth innings saw the return of Ben’s line, who managed to score 2 runs before losing their outs to RH, who managed to hold us back with excellent fielding and pitching. However, as the point difference was too high, the game was cut short and called to a halt with a score of 20-0, leaving Eusoff undefeated in their run so far.

Shoutout once again to TH convening for organizing this match, and RH for being such great opponents.


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