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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Sherwin Ong

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Have you ever thought about how Softball is preparing for the next Inter-Hall Games (IHG)? Still unsure of what Softball is or who their Captain is? Well, look no further! SMC is here to give you some insight into what’s happening for the Softball team!

Softball is a kind of baseball played with a larger ball on a smaller field. The game is played at a higher pace due to less running time for runners to get to first base while the fielders also have less time to field the ball as their opponents run down to first base. One of the most obvious differences between baseball and softball is that in baseball, the ball is pitched from an elevated mound that is 60-feet away from the plate. In softball, the ball is pitched from a flat pitching circle that is no more than 43 feet away from the plate. Another difference is in the way the ball is being thrown as in softball, the ball has to be thrown underhand. In baseball, the pitch is almost always done overhand or sidearm.

For those who do not know how the game is played, here are some of the general guidelines:

Typically, a game lasts for 7 innings (rounds) in which each team bats until 3 batters have been put out. A batter is out if 3 strikes are called, a ball hit by the batter is caught before touching the ground, the batter goes to a base that is already tagged or a fielder holding the ball touches a base which is the only base towards which the batter can run to. A “run” is scored when a player has touched all 4 bases in a counterclockwise direction. They don’t have to be touched in the same pay as a batter may remain safely on a base and proceed to the next base on a later play. The team with the most runs after 7 rounds wins the game.

Now to get to the exciting part! Getting to know Captain Tien Chun!

Taking over the mantle as Captain of the Softball Team, Tien Chun has dedicated his time and energy into grooming the players and coming up with ways to get the team hyped for the sport! Picking up the sport since he was Secondary 1, his love and passion for the sport has driven him to being one of the best Softball players both in skill and leadership. Despite the Covid-19 situation, he has taken the opportunity to get the team back to basics; fixing their fundamentals and knowledge of the game! All of his efforts is to achieve his goal of making sure that his players are better and enjoying the sport, as well as having the chance to give other halls a run for their money in the upcoming IHG!

When asked what he likes about the sport, he states Softball is not as simple as throwing the ball and hitting it with a bat. Softball is a sport where it challenges you to be the best player in every area of the game whether it be hitting with the bat, throwing or running. It’s a multi-faceted sport that challenges you to break your limits, to reach the level that gets you to enjoy the competitive and fun nature of the game. As Eusoffians, we too should have that mentality in going beyond what we think we can do and challenge ourselves to be better in our own areas of interests!

Some wise words from our favourite captien?

“Nothing much! Just train hard and never be intimidated under pressure situations”


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