Written by: Isaiah Tan Edited by: Choa Zhao Xiang and Leung Lok Heng Photos by: EusoffWorks
Ever wondered what is this weird sport which is called Softball but uses balls that are as tough as their captain? Don’t even know who their captain is? Well, stop wondering because SMC publications is here to give you a small insight of what softball is about and a glimpse of their captain, Joshua.
To answer the earlier question, softball derived its name as a ‘soft’ ball was originally used in the sport. Softball is a variant of baseball played with a larger ball on a smaller field. The game hence is played at a much higher pace as there is less time for base runners to get to first base while the fielders also have less time to field the ball while their opponent runs down to first base. One key difference between the two sports is that softballs are pitched underhand while baseballs are pitched overhead.
A softball game typically lasts 7 innings, or rounds, in which each team bats until 3 batters have been put out. A batter is out if 3 strikeouts are called, a ball hit by the batter is caught before touching the ground, the batter goes to a base that is already tagged or a fielder holding the ball touches a base which is the only base towards which the batter can run to. In co-ed (the format for IHG), male and female batters must alternate. A ‘run’ is scored when a player has touched all 4 bases in a counterclockwise direction. They don’t have to all be touched in the same play as a batter may remain safely on a base and proceed to the next base on a later play. The team with the most runs after seven innings wins the game.
Now let’s move on to what most people came here for, Captain Joshua.
Joshua, also known as Taka, leads this year’s softball team.
Believe it or not, Joshua only picked up softball when he joined his school CCA at 15 upon returning from overseas. It is no small feat because since then, he has become a superstar who represents Singapore for overseas competitions and is one of our hall’s star players. A combination of natural skill, hard work and a hunger to learn and improve himself has enabled Josh to become the player that he is today.
When asked about what he loved about the sport, he mentions that softball has many various components and skill sets required to play the game, making it challenging and fulfilling when you are able to hit the ball well and make good plays. It really must feel good when you can smack the ball as far as Josh can. We are still waiting for his ball to return from last year’s IHG. The Captain is honored to be given the opportunity to be the captain this year and hopes that he’ll be able to lead the team to their 4th consecutive gold. Josh is happy that the current team has a very friendly and chill vibe about them with makes every training filled with fun and laughter. He is also impressed that both experienced and non-experienced players put in their best effort to train and improve. Josh finds it touching when the experienced players guide and encourage the new players. These bunch sound like a true team and a tightly knit unit!
Joshua might be all smiles during matches, but he means business when he steps onto the field.
Joshua’s life doesn’t completely revolve around softball and the man enjoys a variety of sports such as badminton, basketball and volleyball. He enjoys watching movies and listening to music during his free time as well. Fun fact of the day is that Joshua doesn’t speak Chinese, instead he speaks Japanese.
After a casual chat with Joshua, our softball team can be confident that their team is in good hands under his experienced and watchful eye. Do catch our softball team in action as they strive for gold and come down to support them in the upcoming IHG season!