What's our president Celine's core sport? If you were at Vacay Supper then you'd know the answer for sure.
Remember the scene in Harry Potter where the Hogwarts dining hall suddenly started snowing for Christmas vibes? Yeah, now think of the Eusoff equivalent. Dining hall tables pushed together to form tables of 10, with the air conditioning absolutely blasting to give us sad Singaporeans some winter feels. Knew I should've brought my winter jacket. Ready for the occasion though, was Angel and Anna, Vacay supper's emcees, fully decked out in a DIY Daiso Santarina skirt ( #notsponsored sadly) and a very thick wool Christmas sweater. Greeting everyone with the biggest hugs and loudest shouts, our two emcees better known as the heads of SMC and CMC set the tone on an incredibly high note, welcoming Eusoffians strolling in from 9.30 onwards into the transformed dining hall, full of snacks, food and a ton of Christmas decorations.

Our two zealous emcees with their christmas fits! SMC X CMC collab!
Unbeknownst to us, Master too was a part of vacay supper, whether she knew it or not. Alongside D4 Daddies, IloveCats and Kellyfeifei, Qiu An Qi was a fierce contender in the Vacay Supper Kahoot. If you were part of it, you'd know how many stairs there are in Eusoff in total, as well as how many times our Sports D Luke runs a week. An impressive number at 3 times a week, but still lesser than the number of times you've run from your problems though... Oh, and our dear PAD has openly declared to have resemblance to a rat? Not I say one ah. Well rat or not, we all are suckers for cheese aren’t we? The very generous committees sponsored a ton of cheese and pepperoni pizzas from Little Caesars along with a steady flow of fruit punch.

D4Daddies cheering the loudest to earn more food for their stomachs.
What is Christmas without some solid music? All thanks to Eusoff Band, we did not miss our daily December dose of Ms Carrey’s iconic All I Want for Christmas Is You, performed by Cavan on vocals (what a slay by the way), Luqman on drums, Gio on keys, David and Xuying on the guitar and bass respectively. After a sick line up of Christmas songs such as Jingle Bell Rock, Band gave the audience what they wanted- some true heartbreak/softboi songs. Why Eusoff so emo sia. Band ended their set with 1975’s “Sex”, something Cavan said he’s never had but heard it’s really good. Er, moving on.

Eusoff's very own live band while Eusoffians sang along and enjoyed the music.
What sorta hall event would this be without some solid games right? In true Christmas vibes and Eusoffian spirit, each table representative was made to wrap random objects either blindfolded, or some other sort of “disability”. True blue competitive Eusoffians fought tooth and nail (ok not really la) to wrap cooked maggi and a badminton racket. Jingyuan took the W for the D4 Daddies, with a very motivational “I believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This could be anything you want it to be, a dumpling or a present!”. Wow bro… Her wrapped maggie definitely did NOT look like a dumpling AT all…yeah no… Anyways! The very very well loved JJ carried his table to victory with his VERY well wrapped badminton racket. Man covered it up so well that we couldn’t see it at all. Didn’t know the J in JJ stood for John Cena.

Among Us imposters wrapping gifts while Anna acts as a tape dispenser.
To end the night of performances, Choir, led by their very own head, Moses, serenaded us with a bunch of Christmas carols.What better way to set the mood of the Christmas spirit and to wind down for the night with some soothing, wholesome carols such as Silent Night and Joy to The World. Our choir members must’ve enjoyed performing for us so much because of all the laughter shared on stage. Made me laugh too, but I wasn’t exactly sure why HAHA. After some chaotic rounds of “Finish the Lyrics- Christmas edition” which…somehow ended up being a sing off…then a dance off? A certain vague memory of Deme being literally DRAGGED up by two other guys only to end up singing on top of a chair…Yeah, I’m not too sure about what happened either not gonna lie. But hey, I enjoyed watching everything that happened!

True spirit of Christmas with our own Christmas caroling by the fireplace. Sleigh indeed.
As Luke proceeded to give us his short and fast closing speech, just like his sprints, Lionel, Danson and Joelephants looked on like a bunch of proud dads. It was clear that Vacay Supper worked really well in providing Eusoffians and our IHG athletes with some solid rest and recreation gearing up to the all awaited IHG season. With the tone set firmly and all eyes set on the common goal of IHG Champions, it was reinvigorating to leave the Dining Hall, unified with a new sense of purpose. I think we can all say a massive thank you to SMC X CMC for such a solid recharge as the year ends. As we prepare to reach the Championship together, let us not forget this solid support system that hall provides when times get tough. IHG SEASON LETS GET IT SLEIGHHHHHHH!