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SMC Banner R(EH)velation 22/23

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

It was a lit night. The ‘great wall’ of Eusoff was filled to the brims with Eusoffians beaming from ear to ear, anticipating the 22/23 Banner R(EH)velation that was a tradition that goes all the way back. Despite the practice being put on hold for 2 years due to the pandemic, it was a sight to behold as Eusoffians roared the culture back into play, as their predecessors did.

To start off the evening, Dylan and Ying Xuan from SMC Progs kickstarted the event as the bubbly emcees and hyped everyone up with their energy. They shared how there were balloons installed all over the stairs for all to write their best wishes to the 17 sports CCAs (including SMC and IHG convening), for their upcoming competitions. Resident fellow (RF) Joel was then introduced by the pair to give a speech before lighting up the campfire. RF Joel directly oversees all sporting activities in Eusoff, but what’s more interesting is that he was once a fellow Eusoff Rugby player as well! He quoted Theodore Roosevelt, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better…” (it was a very long quote) but what those wise words aptly portrayed was the idea of playing for one another regardless of the outcome. “So why do we play? Look at the Eusoffian next to you.” He reminded all Eusoffians that the blood, sweat and tears they shed in the arena training together will forever be more valuable than anything else. And so, “if you play for those around you, I guarantee you win every time.” What a way to end off his speech and light up the evening (literally).

The campfire setup near E1 was then lit up by both RF Joel and our very own Sports Director, hand in hand.

Sports D Luke and RF Joel firing the athletes up.

Next up, was the captain's walk, where (both) captains of every sport were introduced. The captains were all great sports as they displayed some shenanigans during their walks. For the benefit of those who missed out on this segment, Badminton started things off, followed by basketball, floorball, football & sepak takraw’s combined dance to “Waka Waka (This time for Africa), ultimate frisbee, handball, netball, road relay, softball, squash, swimming, touch rugby, table tennis, tennis, track & field and lastly our Haikyuu stars of Eusoff - volleyball. The captains were all given a yellow balloon each, to prepare for the final banner revelation.

Floorball Capts showing us who is boss.

Before the finale that everyone was awaiting, Luke, Eusoff’s sports director, gave a short speech to sum things up. Eusoff is now 3.5 months away from retaining the IHG title and Eusoffians have always risen to the occasion as this was their “home away from home”. He got them to tell the person besides themselves, “I trust you and I believe in you”, and ended off with “Boundless our might, together we fight!” (the motto)

Sports D, Luke giving his inspiring Ted Talk speech

It was finally time for the banner to be revealed. Who's on the banner? Is it LYLC (last year's last chance aka Year 4s) or is it our fresh blood, the Year Twos? After a countdown, the captains collectively let go of their balloons together, and the banner fell from E4. It revealed Rebecca (Netball), LYLC superstars Yi Chen (Tennis), Bryan (Basketball), Saghir Khan (Volleyball), Heng Kai (Table Tennis), Celine (Badminton), Zoey (Floorball) and finally after many complaints lastly Shern (Touch Rugby), as the stars for Eusoff’s IHG banner 22/23. Wishing all Eusoffians all the best this upcoming IHG!

IHG Banner 22/23.

A tribute to our precious LYLCs.

LFG Eusoff!


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