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Sepak Takraw Semifinals v SH

Written by: Yusoff Kim

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Overall score: 2-0 to SH

The boys came back to Sheares hall for the second night in a row, ready to put on a fierce match for all those watching back at home and in hall, and for themselves.

With a fire within, they sought to claim victory over Sheares for the first time in two years.

1st Regu

The boys that claimed a clean 3-0 sweep last night against a fierce KR team were up first, with Dylan at tekong once again, Chong Jin setting as well as Fadi at KILLER.

Though they were warm, there was a 30 minute delay to the match and it was evident in the first few touches, where the ball seemed to slip from them and conceded a few early points

However, the team quickly gained back their momentum, with Fadi getting into a killing spree and claiming back the lead in the first set spurred on by their fourth man Pei Jie analyzing the game and helping them adjust their play.

However, two sets were barely lost as they could not claw back a large enough lead for their games.

The third set was one to remember, with EH coming back from a 5 point deficit to a draw, but SH pulled away after a critical time out.

Though they lost 3-0, the matches were a lot closer than the points showed, with our three man team playing their hearts out.

CJ gains a few inches during a valiant receive.

2nd Regu

The second Regu featured one of our top 3 line ups, with Freshie Brandon at tekong, Gaele setting and Joel KILLA at the front.

With Brandon at Tekong, his straight serves pressured the opponent once again, and put them on the back foot from the start. Gaele also adjusted his sets from the previous game, giving Joel more room to work with.

Feeding off their previous line up’s spirit, their crisp communication shined through from the start, with Brandon calling when the balls would go out and Gaele commanding the court from his position.

Joel took the helm once again at the front, killing ball after ball with his disastrous headers, pulling points for his team. Though they lost the first set of the regu, they took the second set , forcing bad takes from their opponent by never giving up and fighting for every ball. Though all the sets were close, this was one close, hard-fought regu.

Joel's scores yet another point with one of his dangerously swift headers.

1st Regu

Dylan, Chong Jin, Fadi + Pei Jie




3-0 to SH

2nd Regu

Brandon, Gaele,Joel +Ethan





3-1 to SH

All in all, though the boys didn’t manage a W against Sheares, they fought hard and can hold their heads up high knowing they did their best. Let’s cheer them on during next year’s IHG!


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