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Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Written By: Eldred Sng Edited By: Valerie Chua & Jolene Wong Photographs By: EusoffWorks

The atmosphere was tense, as supporters from all the halls began to stream into the MPSH. Today was the day where EH would face off against TH in the semi-finals match. The players were in high spirits as they warmed up, keeping up their usual stream of banter as they prepared for the match.


The first set started with Isaiah, Eun Seong and Dat stepping onto the court. Tensions were high and both sides were visibly nervous, as the first set began. Due to a bit of bad luck where TH’s services kept grazing the top of the net as it went over, as well as some miscommunication on our side, EH was down 1-7 in the first set. Despite being down, the first regu fought valiantly, but TH eventually took the first set with a score of 15-6.

After a team talk with captain Irfan, the first regu composed themselves, and prepared themselves mentally for the second set. The second set started out with TH constantly having miscommunication and service errors, allowing EH to take the lead of 8-4 before calling for a timeout. However, TH got their game back together and caught up. Despite a few more service errors from TH, they eventually take the second set with a score of 15-12.

The third set started with TH gaining the lead early on, with the score going up to 3-1 to TH. However, the first regu managed to regain their momentum, with Isaiah dishing out kills and Eun Seong defending everything. Dat was also constantly at hand to deflect the opponent’s bicycle kicks. This set was evenly fought all the way, with the score coming up to 10-11 to TH. Nevertheless, TH just barely pulled ahead, managing to close the set with a score of 15-13.


The second regu consisting of Minghao, Marcus and Hyrie, stepped onto to the court and began the second game of the day. TH started out strong with the first set, having some leftover momentum from their first regu winning. Very soon, our guys found themselves down 3-7 to TH. Despite that, they kept their cool and fought on. However, due to nervousness and miscommunications on their part, and also a tinge of bad luck, our guys lost the first set 15-5.

After a quick team talk with Captain Irfan, the guys got their game back together and started the second set strongly.  After an insane kill by Minghao, they led 3-1. With some sick defending from Marcus and insane kills from Minghao and Hyrie, the guys were leading 8-7. After a few mistakes and miscomms from TH, the guys were up 14-9. However, TH lucked out and managed to sadly score 7 points in a row to take the second set 16-14.

The third set began strongly for EH as our guys returned with a vengeance. Minghao destroys his opponent in a face off (he literally blocked the ball with his face) and we take the lead with a score of 3-1. Another insane save from Marcus from the rear end of the court into a sneaky kill from Hyrie makes it 8-5 to EH. TH then commits a series of service errors and miscomms, making it 13-11 to EH. Despite the high pressure mounting, Hyrie maintained his cool and executed good judgement, allowing a TH ball to go out. The third set then ends with a score of 15-12 to EH with Minghao’s sick kill.

Keeping up with the winning momentum EH started strongly once again. The guys kept their cool and won a really extended rally. Minghao follows that up with another solid strike home, bringing the guys up to 4-1 to EH. A miscomm from TH about who should take the ball followed by an insane save by Marcus brings the score to 3-6 to EH. Minghao then wins a stare down with his opponent at the net and Hyrie follows up with a wild header, bringing the score to 11-4 to EH. TH tried to retaliate, but Minghao silenced their attempts with another kill, taking the third set 15-8 for EH.

Tensions were running high as this last set decides whether the third regu would be played. EH started strong, with Minghao nodding one home and Hyrie with a clinical header. Nevertheless, TH managed to pull ahead, bringing the score to 8-4 to TH. Despite being behind, our Takraw Temans didn’t give up, giving their all for each point. Nevertheless, TH managed to take the last set 15-7 and wins the game overall.

Kudos to the Takraw Temans for putting up such a good fight, fighting nail and tooth for every single point and rally. They really are the epitome of Eusoff’s fighting spirit! Heads up, boys, you’ve done us proud!


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