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Road Relay M

Written by: Chen Kexin

Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman

Photos by: Eusoff Works

It was finally D-Day for the male Road Relay team, as our boys set off to conquer the arduous circuit and mountain across NUS. With an air of determination and also strong team spirit, the boys soon set off to try and win back gold this year.

Starting off strong was Darren, who took off speedily as soon as the buzzer started, pumping his legs as fast as he could. Hearsay he was trying to make up for his screw-up on Wednesday, with one of the RR girls commenting that he was “legit faster den his bike”! (iykyk) He was a steady runner throughout, even managing a 2m gap lead from his opponents at one point of time, before finishing his run at an insane speed of 6 minutes 10 seconds. His efforts clearly paid off with him netting us a head start of about 8 seconds, beating his TH and KE opponents who were very close behind.

Next up was Ivan, who managed to clock an equally impressive time of 6 minutes 13 seconds! He definitely sprinted his heart out, and managed to maintain a lead of about 4 seconds, despite his tough opponent. Despite sweat pouring down his back and head and basically just everywhere, he still provided his team mates with support and encouragement after his lap in the live updates chat, when he could’ve just bragged about his superior timing. What a humble lad.

Following Ivan was Yuvaraj, or Yuvi as he likes to be called, who was our featured freshie! As I have continuously mentioned in the series, Yuvi was not one to be missed as he went all out and barrelled down the CLB as if something was chasing after him. Or rather he was chasing after someone - his TH opponent to be exact. Despite finishing with a formidable time of just 6 minutes and 39 seconds, he unfortunately lost the lead they had previously, and they were now trailing behind TH at about 31 seconds.

The designated silent member of the team, Mr camera-shy who did not want me to take photos of him (why??) started off strong, with a determined mind to at least close the gap between TH and them. Sprinting with everything that he had, Raymond eventually finishes in 6 minutes 21 seconds, a timing most people could only dream of achieving. I would just like to add that even Taylor Swift’s longest song ‘All To Well’ is longer than everyone’s timing but I can’t even walk around Eusoff in that time. (tried and tested guys…trust).

Captain Isaac was the epitome of every person’s favourite captain ever, not only was he calm, cool and encouraging, his positive and ever encouraging demeanour helped his teammates strived to do even better even when they were behind! As such, when it came to his turn, he definitely didn’t disappoint with his timing of 6 minutes 11 seconds! Running like his lungs were on fire, this man did not ever stop to give up despite the widening lead between him and the TH runner. As such, it was completely understandable for him to just plop on the floor after his match.

Nevertheless, with such a strong performance by the Road Relay boys last evening, I am really proud to say that they have definitely surpassed the overall timings of last year’s RR team, and every single one of them should be really proud of themselves!

With a final timing of 31 minutes and 34 seconds, the Eusoff male RR team managed to finish in third place, and the other halls as followed:

TH (1st, 30min 1 sec), RH (2nd, 30 min 20 sec), ✨EH (3rd, 31 min 34 sec)✨, SH (4th, 31 min 49 sec), KR (5th, 32 min 5 sec), KE (6th, 33 min 21 sec), PH (7th, 37 min 58 sec)

It was a really amazing race to watch our boys sprint their hearts out, though credit has to be given to our impressive opponents as well. While we might not have won first place, what is more important is the overall improvement and camaraderie by the team, which is what IHG is also about! While RR might have ended this year, the boys will definitely not stop improving on themselves, and to put up an even stronger fight next year!


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