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Netball Prelims VS RH

Written by: Jethro Sim

Edited by: Rishika Ghanamoorthy

Photos by: Eusoff Works

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and today the netball girls took their crucial first step in the journey for this year’s IHG. This year’s IHG however, is slightly different due to covid regulations. It is a 3v3 half-court format with 3 different teams, thus there are no zoning rules which changes the game significantly. However, the girls adapted well and demonstrated their versatility, dominating RH by a significant margin.

Overall EH 60-3

Line 1: Rebecca Hanxi Ying jia Shyun

First up is Superstar Captain Rebecca’s line, where they started off with several long passes to Rebecca where she made quick work of RH going in 2-0. Raffles then tried to counterattack but our girls gave them no breathing room, and they soon choked - losing possession of the ball due to a foul from footwork. The game went on with the RH girls putting in some good man to man defence, but that was not enough as Ying Jia, Han Xi and Shyun all managed to sneak past them to receive a long pass at the goal. All that’s left was for them to put the ball through the hoop, and they managed to do it nearly every time.

EH 19-0 RH

Line 2: Michelle Chloe Cheryl Zhi Qi

Next up is Michelle, Chloe and Zhi Qi. Towering over the RH girls, they started off the match with Chloe positioned at the hoop while Michelle and Zhi Qi tried their best to manoeuvre the ball over to her. The game started off relatively even, with RH attacking well and managing to tie us 1-1. The nerves could be getting to them as a few more passes went wide, and RH took the lead 3-2 with a nice shot from their Goal Attack. Chloe then puts a stop to RH’s play and makes a few good shots from the goal line, bringing back some much-needed momentum for Eusoff. It was not long after that the RH girls at the hoop realised they were wandering outside the walls of Maria and they were not allowed to get any rebounds at the hoop. In the 2nd half, Cheryl and Michelle provided Chloe with a good target practice session, letting her shoot to her heart's delight as Eusoff started to pull an insurmountable lead with a final result of 16-3.

EH 16-3 RH

Line 3: Joie Reese Jermaine Carris

Finally, we have Reese, Jermaine and Carris starting off the first half of the last match. Jermaine and Reese start off with some tight defence and Carris turns on her aim bot, scoring every single shot she takes. This holy trinity allowed for Eusoff to pull far ahead, without conceding any goals to RH. 8-0 in Reese Flies into the goal line, facing away from the hoop and turning while receiving the pass. Flexing her agility as she releases the ball and it goes in. The Second Half begins and Carris still has not turned off her aim bot, even having wall hacks as she intercepts a free pass from the outline. Joie then comes in and provides some strong centre control, giving Carris, Reese and Jermaine some pin point passes for them to pull even further ahead of RH

EH 25-0 RH

What an insane performance by our netball girls today, showing not only a deadly offensive set-up but a tight and solid defence. We will be looking forward to the rest of the matches and hope to see them continue their journey to the top.

Final score: 3-0 to EH


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