Written by: Jethro Sim Sheng Yang
Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Photos by: Eusoff Works
Hitting a record of 107 viewers in the smc livestream, netball may be the best and most popular sport yet. At the last step of this journey, will the netball girls retain their 4-year championship streak for Eusoff? Or will they finally crumble under pressure of their long-time rivals, TH? We’ll find out when the whistle blows.
Line 1: Chloe Michelle Angie Phoebe
There was silence in the air as the girls waited in anticipation, blasting off to a 5-0 start. Looks like hiding Angie paid off as she played an amazing match, showing solid defense and speedy passes for her debut in the finals. She then took turns with Phoebe to control the center of the court, giving Michelle and Chloe plenty of opportunities to bring it home, finishing with a score line of 12-3.

Chloe's height brings her a massive advantage as TH's defense could barely reach her face
Line 2: Rebecca, Rish, Ying Jia Shyun
I'm sure these girls need no introduction, if you ever play Jenga against this line you’ll lose for sure cos they’re stacked AF with this line of super-superstars. Winning here seals the deal and captain Rebecca shows TH no mercy as they run up a 5-0 lead early on. The girls put on a good show of offense and strong defense, making use of their height advantage and speed. Rish, Ying Jia and Shyun controlled the center with ease. No rebounds were allowed for TH and nearly 90% of their passes were intercepted before they could reach the goal area. Rebecca at the goal line in her serious mode became a scoring machine, scoring 100% of the points she could have possibly scored, bringing Eusoff to a 15-2 win.

Rishika the netball coach, handball captain, cblock head, with such a SICK defense, what can she not do.....
Line 3: Joie, Reese, Carris, Jermaine
Although the game is over, the girls still continued the match so TH has one more chance to prove themselves. Despite Joie’s bounciness and Reese’s speedy passes, TH manages to intercept the balls and pull away with a 5-2 lead. The girls try to catchup but Carris decides to give TH a chance so she turns off her aim bot. Even so the girls manage to catchup to 5-6, but TH puts up a good fight with what seems to be their strongest line and eventually takes the last line 15-10. Looks they were banking on one of the earlier lines to win but too bad, all our netball lines filled with superstars.

honestly, every time Carris tried to shoot, I alr knew the ball would go in bc thats how good her shots were
With this gold, the Eusoff netball girls extend their win to a 5-year streak. The netball girls this year have made history as they crushed every competitor that has come along the way and they have no signs of slowing down any time soon. Good luck to all the other sports who are still competing, let’s go Eusoff!