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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Yusoff Kim

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Netball- a game for the gritty, tenacious and brilliant. Pitting 2 teams of 7 against one another, they face off in intense duels within certain zones to flow the ball into open spaces and score. Though it looks simple at first, trying the games lets you see how extremely difficult and technically challenging the sport is. Having already covered the sport for a year, I can personally vouch that netball is one of the most enrapturing sports to watch, especially with a new captain at its helm- Michelle.

Though Michelle’s kind heart and good looks consistently get her attention from all the boys, her true merit lies in her insane netball and leadership skills, which attracts real men. In line with making all the boys simp for her, Michelle’s cool nature means she likes to keep her training chill, with the only hardcore part being an intense abs exercise at the end. A champion by nature, it was only right that she was chosen to succeed Caitlin as the captain of the four-time consecutive gold medal netball team. And if you think that’s not enough, can you guess what position she plays for her team? GOALKEEPER! SHE’S A KEEPER ON TOP OF EVERYTHING!

Everyone has a hero, and though most of the netball team would say theirs is Michelle, her own personal hero is Laura Geitz, the 1.9m tall Goalkeeper hailing from Australia because “She’s a beast. Just a beast “. You’re a beast too Michelle…

While reflecting on her journey from a young year 1 player till today, Michelle recalled her favorite moment from last year, coming back from 9 down against KR in the Semi-Final ( in which Michelle played the whole game, it was q sick). However, when asked which halls she felt she would have trouble against this year, she simply mentioned “huh? What opponents?”. It is no coincidence that her favorite food is a good bloody steak, cause just like her opponents, she’s gonna eat them all up. Though Michelle will obviously win MVP, MIP, DPOY and GKOY, she still wants to highlight players you can look out for, namely the new Eusoff Skyscraper, Rebecca Loeoeng at GS guaranteed to score with every shot and chasing Instagram clout as well as @YantheSheep, our veteran returned at C block and WD, a solid core to the team who will help us bring the gold back!

Though we have strong members throughout the team, our very own farmingfarmer, Michelle, will be sure to have the spotlight on her during many of the matches. Having worked hard so far, she plans to never let the team’s energy and strength fall, playing their heart out for every match. So let’s support her and the rest of the netball girls during this year’s IHG (if it happens lol). As we look forward to IHG, let’s ponder over this wise quote from the woman herself.



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