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Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Written By: Aakanksha Rai Edited By: Valerie Chua & Jolene Wong Photographs By: EusoffWorks

Today is the first day of the Handball (F) matches. Last year, our hand-babes brought back the gold. Today, the court was filled with Eusoffians, excited to see our magnificent hand-babes in action against Sheares Hall (SH), hoping that they’ll bring back the gold once again.

Sheares started off strong with an attack but Eusoff goalie, Li Ann, caught the ball and passed it to Captain Joey, who sprinted to the other end of the court before passing the ball to freshie Hwee Ching. Proving to be ever-reliable, Hwee Ching immediately converted and scored right in the middle of the net, narrowly missing SH’s goalie’s arms. Debut goal for Hwee Ching! 1-0 to Eusoff! SH tried to comeback with a goal but the ball was once again caught by beast Li Ann, who passed it to Jamie. Jamie started running towards the other end of the court where the SH girls were ready to defend. She faked a shot and popped to Joey, who tried to score but narrowly missed the goal. Joey tried to score again but this time, the ball was intercepted by her defender. SH then tried to score but failed to do so due to a BRIL-LIANN-T save by Li Ann!

The girls of SH got their A-game on and ran towards the goal, jumped real high and scored from 9m away, leveling the score at 1-1! A long pass was made to Ronnette, who swiftly found the net. Unfortunately, this goal was unaccounted for as she had stepped on the line. With adrenaline running at an all-time high, Joey tried to score but was denied by the post. Tough luck! As soon as SH got the ball, they counter-attacked, went for a fast break and converted the shot. Following this, they came down on us hard, playing attacks after attacks but were no match for beast Li Ann’s solid defence, who saved every single ball! Sick chemistry between Belle and Hwee Ching allowed Hwee Ching to slam the ball into the top corner of SH’s net, bringing the score to 2-2! What a goal!

SH gave our hand-babes a tough fight as they blocked three of our attacks. As soon as she saw an opportunity, Brenda (fondly referred to as Bread) fired the ball into the top-left corner of the net only for SH to score seconds later. Aggressive defence by Sheares earned Eusoff a penalty which was taken by Ronette. Keeping herself composed and focused, Ronnette held the ball in her hands and like a time bomb, exploded with a powerful swing and scored! SICK! Unfortunately, just as the first half of the match was ending, SH managed to put another one into the net. Beast Li Ann tried to save the ball but it bounced off her hand and entered the goal. The score was 4-4 at half time.

As soon as half-time ended and the second half of the game began, Ronnette scored into the bottom left corner of the net. SH went on the attack but couldn’t score due to good defence from Eusoff and great saves by Li Ann. What a beast! Soon after this, Jamie scored into the bottom left corner of the net, bringing the score to 6-4 to Eusoff. Aggressive defence by Gin got her a yellow card and SH a penalty, which they were able to convert into a goal. Following this, Jamie tried to score three times but narrowly missed the goal each time. Good effort by Jamie! In the middle of EH’s attack, the SH girls intercepted the ball, jumped between two hand-babes and scored into the bottom left corner of the net, bringing the score to 6-6.

The Eusoffians in the crowd began to bite their nails in anticipation. Jamie’s score brought back Eusoff’s lead and eased the crowd’s nerves. SH tried to attack but couldn’t score due to a great save by Li Ann once again. This girl sure never disappoints! The ball went to Bread who passed it to Jamie who once again passed the ball to Bread and……she scored! Sheares tried to retaliate with a goal but were blocked by everyone’s favourite Italian bread, Brenda. Sheares tried to score once again but the ball hit the pole and went into Eusoff’s arms. The ball was passed to the other end of the court where it met Sherlyn who scored, bringing the score to 9-6 to EH! The crowd went INSANE, banging drums and singing songs, cheering for our hand-babes.

Sheares tried to catch up and score but were blocked by good defence from Bread. Bread then passed the ball to Jamie who scored right into the middle of the net again, narrowly missing the goalie. EH got the ball once again and passed it to superstar Jamie who swerved past SH’s defence and scored. SICK SICK SICK! However, SH retaliated by scoring. This goal marked the end of the game and Eusoff won!

In the words of our favourite hand-babe, Captain Joey, the girls did progressively better throughout the match, especially with their defence. They hope to come back stronger for their next match against Temasek Hall on Friday at 7:45pm. Do drop by and show your support!


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