Written by: Benjamin Khoo
Edited by: Lydia Ong and Chen Kexin
Jonathan initially decided to take on TM duties as he saw it as a way to make more friends and to earn some points. To Jon, frisbee is pretty much all about running like a dog for a flying disc that just flies around randomly, constantly keeping the players, himself included, always out of breath. Being the TM for frisbee is no easy feat, having to lug the fully laden icebox to and from the field, especially after a full training session.
When asked about the TM duties so far, Jon wants to thank Ke Huan (one of the previous TMs for frisbee) for tanking the duties and welfare in the past and showing him the path towards becoming the best TM. Jon especially idolizes the captain Hao Ting for his hardworking attitude who can always be seen leading by example on the pitch such as doing more in PT during training.
Even with the uncertain IHG news this season, Jon wishes for the team to just train hard, have fun and make friends during this period of time. His optimistic outlook for the team is definitely a desirable trait for a team manager to have and one that others should learn too!