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Frisbee Carnival v TH

Written by: Tanya Raj

Edited by: Cheng Kai Wen

Photos by: Eusoff Works

You would think that after such a strenuous game against Sheares, our team would be resting. But no! The grind truly don’t stop for our Eusoffian Ulti players. Tension was visibly building from the manner our opposition brought in their crowd in white, as we strolled in with our drums and shakers, a sea of yellow. Our support stood at the sidelines, banging on drums, having a pre-game drum off with our opponents in white- our neighbour. At 12.58, play starts.

With a starting line of Kam, Isaac, May, Kevyn, Claudia, Tonya and Joel Ang, Temasek hucks, further than expected, as the disc flies so far off the play area. Joel Ang restarts, to Isaac and Kevyn back to Joel Ang who then hucks to Isaac. The wind picks up, leading to the disc’s direction changing, After a quick contest, play resumes, with Yiting being subbed on for Claudia. Once again, we press, having the frisbee fly into our scorezone with Tonya awaiting to score the point. However, the wind seemed to have other plans as it teased us with a stronger gust. While at the turnover, TH surprisingly fumbled, leading to Joel Ang taking over the turnover, who then swung it alllll the way to Kam in the scorezone! Did you think that that was a point? So did I… After some contesting, both teams agreed to nullify the score due to travel.

Relentless defending by Eusoff.

Yet, 30 seconds later, Isaac hucked to Kam in the scorezone, making it a valid 1-0! With a new start, Temasek attacks, driving forward. Yet, upon some sick squeezing pressure from Yiting and Claudia, the disc drops. Hao Ting helped Eusoff restart, swinging to Joel Ang who passed to May. We almost got a shock with how she fumbled the disc in the scorezone,YET recovered her grip, making it 2-0!!!!! The next point was scored even more quickly, where Temasek dropped our disc in ourn scorezone, which saw Hao Ting passing to Isaac, who comfortably got it in our scorezone, leading it up to 3-0!

With the restart, the wind seemed to favour Temasek again, since the direction of pass between Hao Ting and Tonya was bent, allowing Temasek an easy interception, driving play forward to get their first point of the game. Upon a quick timeout to restrategise, our players reemerged, more than ready to secure the IHG title. Temasek may have pulled, but nothing beat Isaac’s reach, who quickly smacked the disc away, allowing Eusoff to start the play, of which Joel Ang brought us back up to 4-1! However, TH managed to come back strong and attack, with a strong huck into their zone, making it 4-2. Yet, our athletes remained undeterred, where Hao Ting passed to Joel Ang, who hucks it back to Hao Ting and eventually to Alyssa who brought us our 5th point!!

Amazing catch by our talented freshie - Alyssa!

Once again, Temasek pushed back, scoring their 3rd point, making it 5-3. Nothing was gonna stand in the way of our athletes though, who fought tooth and nail for the next point. With a gameflow of Kevyn to Hao Ting, we watched the disc sail allllll the way to Shannon who firmly grabs it in our scorezone! 6-3!!! The crowd at the sidelines went wild, with words going around to even storm the field when (not even if) we won the finals. True Eusoffian confidence in their players right there. With a Temasek pull, Hao Ting intercepts the play, quickly letting off the disc to Isaac and back to Hao Ting who hucks it to Joel Ang. The disc once again sailed in the air…into Isaac’s grip in the scorezone. 7-3!!

Our drums at the sides go louder than ever, building the atmosphere to what most of us believed to be a solid win against the Whites. We remained true to our dream as Temasek scored their 4th point. Upon regaining possession through an aggressive slap by Robbo, Hao Ting hucks it to Isaac who flings it all the way, making us get our next point at 8-4!! TH restarts but doesn't go too far, with another smack from Shannon. Randall dives to grab the disc, spinning mid fall so as to ensure that the frisbee remained in his possession and not on the floor. How good…

With 100% grit and focus by Eusoff.

TH attacked once again, yet, with another slap down by Joel Ang,we restart play so close to our scorezone, with some quick passes to Joelephants, back to his roomie Joel Ang and to Randall in the scorezone, who brings it to 9-4!!!!!! Just upon securing our 5 point lead, the horn signifying the end of the game went off.

Screams and yells all around as our players realised that their unilateral vision had come true. IHG Gold. Every single training had led to this moment, and all the hard work was repaid with this very victory. Sweet it was indeed, If only you guys could see Coach Glen and Captain Sulynn’s face. It was priceless, the joy on every player’s face, as well as all the cheering from the sidelines (who very unfortunately were not able to storm the field). What an incredible, iconic way to end their season as defending champions. With the first IHG championship for Eusoff of the AY, may it spur all our other athletes to victorious heights in their own endeavours. Another round of applause for our Ulti Gods please, who absolutely destroyed, dominated all their opponents while showing a great deal of passion and sportsmanship while at it. Congrats Champions!!!!

This is what Champions are made of.


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