Written by: Benjamin Khoo
Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong
Photos by: SMC Publicity

With a considerable amount of experience under his belt, this year for our senior series, we look to the man, the myth, the legend - Benny Phoe. After wrecking his body at countless frisbee training, he has truly learnt how painful it is to step into the shower after a rough day, albeit sore but satisfying. When asked why he decided to pick up frisbee back then, he mentioned that he was rather spectacular at captain's ball at the time and with frisbee having a similar playstyle he decided to give it a shot. I had no doubt when I was looking at those big strong hands of his. I would be surprised if anything could slip past them. Having not played any sport before frisbee, he added that he needed to spice up his life and sweat out toxicity which led him to join frisbee then.
For a person like Benny, what drives him during training are the people around him. He values the importance of teamwork and determination but more importantly everyone should be having fun. Seeing the smiles on the faces of his teammates after scoring are what keeps him chasing for the next point. When asked why others should come and watch frisbee during IHG, he chuckled “the beautiful sight of the frisbee and bodies flying through the air is not one to miss!”. Well I definitely won’t!!
Benny is not unfamiliar to the worst fear of every athlete – cramps. He mentioned that he was constantly hit with cramps during training last year, affecting his performance. But this time round he is resolved to not giving in to the cramps with proper hydration and a healthy sleep schedule(good luck with that). Having spoken to Benny, a message to all is, don’t let his cheerful and light-hearted demeanour distract you from the strength of his resolve to perform to the best of his abilities on the field. We definitely look forward to watching Benny give his all on the field for IHG!!
“Do it with passion or not at all”