Written by: Tanya Raj
Edited by: Cheng Kai Wen
Photos by: Eusoff Works
The sun was bright, yet some dark clouds were present in the sky. An apparent parallel for the scoreline we were about to witness between Kent Ridge hall and our defending champion Eusoffians. Decked in their yellow jerseys as bright as the sun, our Ulti players looked serious and determined to face off with our adversary in blue. Eusoffians streamed into Field 1 around 1.45pm to support our fellow athletes as they battled it out on the field. At 2pm the game starts.
It was interesting to see how Frisbee, a self-referring game, was carried out in the heat of grit and passionate play. Already evident, was our strength over the Blues. At 2.01pm, Eusoff scored their first goal! Joel Ang, our notable freshie and solid handler was the MVP for the first goal. Breaking ankles left, right and center, his agility and vision of passes was so apparent during the entire game. In all honesty, it was extremely difficult to keep up with the play, since Eusoff seemed to be scoring almost every minute. With every turnover, our athletes made sure to reacquire possession of the disc. Notable plays during the first half before timeout included numerous solid attacks by Randall, Isaac, Jan Hoe, Linus and some great defending by Chen How, Joelephants and Shannon. It was incredible to watch the chemistry in the team, regardless of whatever combination of players were fielded.

Amazing catches from our ultimate players!
Watching KR’s determination to win was pretty inspiring, seeing them battle a giant with all hopes and passion for the sport still in place. Despite every pull to the endzone flying very far off, our Blue opponents strived to make a comeback despite being almost 7-0 down. With players like Sulynn and Robbo on, winning Eusoff may have just been seen as an insurmountable task. But props to KR for wanting to play till the end. With every single pull, and turnover, Eusoff’s solidarity was seen in our “Yam Seng” shout in unison, with how long the frisbee was in the air for. So endearing.

Jakob and Joelephants celebrating our quick wins with a handshake.
Halfway through the games, the drums were brought out, being played by our own players and PAD Joel and band rockstar Jakob, adding on to the building atmosphere created by more Eusoffians appearing to support our disc-wielding champions. We witnessed our dear Acapella head, Kevyn, enter the field, looking as ready as ever to play and slay on his birthday. How good??? It was at this point, when play resumed, the Joelephants turned into Avatar. Not the blue face fellas (we’ll leave that to KR), but rather the Last Airbender. With a huck in the wind that completely defied gravity, we all watched as the disc curled against the wind into our scorezone, making it 8-0. Soon after, our badminton captain, Queenie Tay, leveled up our play, making it 9-0.

Oscar with his legendary dive toward the disc to catch it successfully.
This only seemed to surge our players on, whose competitive spirit edged on throughout. Some solid plays in the field were seen, by Isaac, also known as “white pants guy” whose play caught the eyes of many that day, alongside some xavi and Iniesta-esque chemistry between Linus and Joel Ang and some incredible bids by Chen How. All the bullet passes, cuttings and dumpings we observed during this game was just testament to the work of greatness that has been put into this team. Countless hours of training and drills led to this 11-0 thrashing of KR. It was a spectacular game to watch, certainly one that truly boosted the morale of our players. What a way to start off their IHG season la solid!! Having training right after their match was probably the biggest indication of how driven our players truly are. With all eyes set to our game against KE and RH on Friday, may we continue coming down to Field 1 to support our very own defending champions! Boundless our Might, Relentless we Fight. LFG ULTI!!!!

Eusoffians and the KR athletes huddling together after the match, a tradition of Frisbee.