Written by: Chua Han De Javier
Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Photos by: Eusoff Works
Eusoff Ultimate is off to a strong start, kicking off IHG season with their very first match against Kent Ridge on a very sunny Saturday afternoon. The sun was blazing but so were our players – flashes of yellow up and down the field, making play after play to clinch a decisive 4-1 victory.
Line 1: Ruoyin, Yiyin, Keng Han, Ming Sheng (3-0, W)
To start things off on the right foot, we had a formidable line consisting of skilled freshies, seniors and of course the captain Mr Keng Han. The 15-minute match started off with Eusoff matching Kent Ridge’s attempts to move the disc down the field with solid defence, before regaining possession and scoring the very first point for EH Ulti in a mere 3 minutes. The interceptions made by Keng Han and Yiyin simply shut down any attempts made by Kent Ridge to get the disc into the endzone, with a few close attempts but they failed to succeed. Quick cuts to shake off the Kent Ridge defenders resulted in another swift point by Eusoff to bring them to a firm 2-0 lead. The rest of the game went smoothly to bring Eusoff Ulti their first W of the day, without even giving any chances for Kent Ridge to even score a point.
Line 2: Joel, Nat, Amanda, Xintian (7-0, W)
Line 2 continued to put the heat on their opponents, the disc flying smoothly between them as they moved swiftly down the field towards their endzone. Their teamwork was impeccable and they gave Kent Ridge no chance, forging ahead to a comfortable 6-0 lead with majority of the possession in the hands of our players. As the match drew to a close and with one minute left on the clock, Xintian managed to clutch another point to end off the match with the most decisive victory of the day, a whopping 7-0.
Line 3: Oscar, Sulynn, Ryan, Isaac (6-0, W)
Next up, line 3 took to the field to pick up where their teammates left off, starting off strong by scoring a quick succession of points to put them in a comfortable 4-0 lead even before halftime. With a straight pass into the endzone, Kent Ridge made a strong attempt to deny Eusoff the point and the defender managed to graze the disk and deflect it away, but Ryan was undeterred, managing to save it and score. Oscar puts the car in Oscar, as he easily managed to outpaced his defender countless times to capture the disc in the endzone. Even when the disc seemed like it was out of reach, an insane layout by Oscar proved otherwise. Line 3 proved to be a cut above their opponents, as they ended the match with a 6-0 win with Oscar as the undisputed top scorer, scoring all of the 6 points won by Eusoff.

wtf this Oscar jump so high and his poor opponent just looking at him in awe... truly my jamNhop2021 idol
Line 4: Randall, Elis, Jabir, Jan (5-1, W)
On to line 4, Randall put his long legs to good use – a quick cut left his defender in the dust to score the first point of the match. Blocking another attempt by Kent Ridge turned the defence into offense, resulting in another swift catch by Randall to secure a 2-0 lead. For the first time that day, Kent Ridge managed to slip through the defence to score a point, but the line was undeterred and retaliated by scoring another 2 points to widen their lead. Leading up to the last minute, the synergy between Randall and Jabir moved the disc swiftly towards the endzone with short, quick passes, and resulted in yet another last-minute point, sealing a 5-1 victory against their opponents.

not sure if Elis and Randall forgot they were on the same team....
Line 5: Linus, Glenn, Clae, Jovina (2-3, L)
The last line for the day, it was up to them to finish Kent Ridge off with a 5-0 sweep. However, it seems like Kent Ridge saved their best for last, as their line 5 seemed to be their best line. No worries though, as our line 5 confidently put up a strong defence, with Jovina slapping the disc hard to the ground to bring the disc back in Eusoff’s possession. In a flash, Eusoff cruised to a comfortable 2-0 lead, with both points barely minutes between each other. Unfortunately, that lead proved to be insufficient, as Kent Ridge bounced back to score 2 points of their own, bringing them neck to neck. Attempts to score by both sides proved to be unsuccessful, which subsequently resulted in a universe point – the next team to score would win the match. With a solid huck, Kent Ridge managed to score a final point to bring them their sole victory of the day, ending the day with an overall score of 4-1 to Eusoff.

Clae looks so happy playing catching here... or is she playing frisbee?
With their eyes already set on the finals, it seems like today’s victory was merely a warmup for the coming matches, as they prepare to take it up a notch and fight for gold. Tune in to the livestream to catch them in action against KE on 16th Jan, where I’m sure they will continue their winning streak. See you there!