Written by: Chua Han De Javier
Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Photos by: Eusoff Works
The day we’ve all been waiting for, and the one they’ve been training for – it all came down to today’s match, the finals for IHG Ultimate 21/22. It was time for Eusoff to bring back the gold – and they certainly did not disappoint, sweeping our rivals in green off their feet with a decisive 3-0 victory. I am writing this article while they are having their celebratory dinner at biap, but it’s okay because they certainly deserve it.
Line 1: Keng Han, Yiyin, Glenn, Ryan (5-0, W)
Hyped and ready to bring down Temasek, line 1 started off strong with steady defence, managing to gain possession and score a point early on. Temasek worked hard to move the disc up-field but our defence worked harder, denying any attempts made by their opponents to catch up. The match started to get more intense with some contact between the players and some fouls being called, but they were undeterred and Yiyin managed to score two more points, bringing them to a secure 3-0 lead. Despite Temasek’s best attempts, line 1 comfortably outmatched their opponents in terms of both speed and skill, proceeding to score another two points and ending the first match with a 5-0 win.

TH's defense rly got nothing on us, as Glenn manages a beautiful catch and scores
Line 2: Mingsheng, Jabir, Jovina, Ruoyin (4-3, W)
Riding off their teammates' victory, line 2 was determined to clinch another W. An absolute beast, Mingsheng scored the first point off a layout defence, but Temasek followed up with a point of their own. Subsequently, both sides were neck to neck as each side took turns to score, with Temasek’s offensive attempts met by fierce defence from line 2. With both sides unwilling to concede, the match proceeded to universe point, with the next team to score winning the match. With the rest of the team cheering from the sidelines, Ruoyin managed to capture the disc in the endzone, securing the penultimate (pun intended) match of the day with a score of 4-3 – a close and hard fight indeed.

the livestream went WIIILLLLD with "WAH JABIR SO FAST"
Line 3: Joel, Nat, Amanda, Xin Tian (4-2, W)
With Eusoff already up 2-0, winning this match would result in an overall win as it was best of 5 sets. Under pressure, Temasek’s shoddy passes and misplays were exploited by line 3, who swiftly moved the disc towards the endzone and scored two consecutive points, both of which were scored by Xin Tian – living up to her title as Eusoff’s top scorer. Another solid huck by Amanda sent the disc across the field, exchanging hands till it reached Nat in the endzone to bring the score to 3-0. At this point, the odds were against Temasek but they refused to give up, with a series of plays to outpace our defenders in the endzone leading to them scoring two consecutive points. Up 3-2 and with a minute left on the clock, all line 3 had to do was put up a solid defence to deny Temasek another point, but that was not enough for them – as the clock counted down towards the end of the match, in a final moment of greatness, they managed to score yet another point, securing a resounding victory.

just adding on to our series of spectacular catches throughout the day, with this done by none other than First name Joel, Second name Elephants.
With an overall score of 3-0, there was no need for the remaining 2 lines to play – Eusoff Ultimate had finally done it, succeeding in their quest for gold. A true testament to their skill, spirit and perseverance, Eusoff Ultimate trumped every opponent they came across, ending their season with the biggest W out of all the Ws. Congrats to their well-deserved win, which I’m sure will be one of many in the coming years!