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Floorball M Prelim VS SH

Written by: Natalia Ng Yi Xing

Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman

Photos by: Eusoff Works

Our floorball boys started off their IHG season with a bang on the 8th of January as they took on Sheares Hall. The energy was high in MPSH6 as the team confidently strolled in, ready for the match to come. In an exhilarating sequence of impressive plays, the Eusoff Floorball team clapped their opponents with a final score of 23-2, truly proving themselves to be an unstoppable bunch.

Line 1: (8-1, W)

Matthew, Ryan Tham, Jie Rui, Jun Wei

The game started with Eusoff gaining early possession of the ball. After an impressive possession play by our boys, Ryan deftly dragged the ball past the Sheares defenders and made a shot at the goal, scoring our first point of the night. Following this was numerous back-to-back goals by our superstar forward, Matthew. With Ryan and Matthew raining shots on the opponent, coupled with Jie Rui and Jun Wei’s impenetrable defence, the end of the third period saw the Eusoff team far ahead of the competition with a score of 8 to 0. However, in the fourth period, an unfortunate pass by Jie Rui had the ball rolling slowly into our own goal, hence the sole point to Sheares for the set. In the later periods, a series of events saw Ryan’s blade meeting Matthew’s glasses. However, this did nothing to deter the team’s stellar defence, allowing them to end off on a high note with a score of 8-1 to Eusoff.

Line 2: 7-1 to EH

Ivan, Demetrius, Keith, Timothy (Keeper)

“Zero ACL, zero give chance” is the name of the game for this star-studded lineup of players, including the ACL-less Demetrius and our very own team captain, Keith. This lineup is the only one of the four to feature a large goal and a keeper (where the other 3 lines consisted of a small goal without a keeper). The set started with Sheares gaining early possession of the ball. A long shot by Sheares narrowly misses the goal, allowing Demetrius to poach the ball from the attacking Sheares team. As the game became more heated, a push from one of the Sheares floorballers saw Ivan nearly face-planting into the floor. After several thrilling possession changes and narrowly-missed shots from both teams, our boys find their footing and take turns scoring in quick succession, ending the set with an impressive score of 7-1 to Eusoff.

Line 3: 4-0 to EH

Stephen, Cedric, Timothy, Kevyn

The game begins with Eusoff dominating the opponents yet again and Stephen controlling the pace of the game, steering the ball all around the court and looking for opportunities to pass and shoot. However, Sheares manages to put up a good fight, deftly blocking our boys’ attacks. As the game intensified, one of the Sheares players committed a foul by sitting on the ball and keeping it out of play, affording Cedric a penalty shot. Sheares decidedly takes their defensive strategy to the next level by having one of their players literally squat right in front of the tiny goalpost as an unofficial keeper. While this move didn’t do any favours for Sheares’ offensive power, it allowed them to fend off several of our attacks, limiting our boys to a score of 4-0 to Eusoff.

Line 4: 4-0 to EH

Benji, Nicholai, Shu Wei, Jia Jun

Seen “huddling real close” before the start of the match was our fourth and final line of the day, featuring an impressive lineup of skilled players. Benji truly proved himself to be the star senior of the team, raining shots down on the opponent and putting immense pressure on Sheares’ defense. While the boys had a rough start with numerous missed shots, they quickly came back with a goal as Jia Jun skillfully passed the ball to Benji to make the shot. Our floorballers continued to prod holes in Sheares’ defense, with Shu Wei making some sick assists and exploiting Sheares’ goalpost-squatter tactics to make a goal. This line of outstanding players finally came away from the game with a score of 4-0 to Eusoff, bringing the final score for the match to a landslide win of 23-2 to Eusoff!

The match today was an outstanding display of skill from our absolutely stacked floorball team. We look forward to many more exciting matches to come as we support the boys on their IHG journey!


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