Written by: Natalia Ng Yi Xing
Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Photos by: Eusoff Works
After their landslide win against Sheares Hall, our floorball boys stepped back into MPSH6 brimming with confidence for the match to come against the KE floorballers. However, KE proved to be formidable opponents for our skilled bunch of players, making for a nail-biting match that left everyone watching on the edge of their seats. While our boys started off shaky, they quickly found their footing and pulled ahead of their opponents with a decisive 20-12 win to Eusoff.
Line 1: 2-5, L
Benji, Nicolai, Bryan Wee, Shu Wei
The match began with our tenacious team of seniors… and a very tenacious freshie Shu Wei. The game started off slow with several missed shots by both teams, bringing the score to a rather underwhelming 0-0 at the end of the first period. From there, the pace of the game really picked up, with Shu Wei gaining possession of the ball and scoring our first goal of the night. However, luck just wasn’t with our boys tonight, with Shu Wei getting ankle-stepped by one of the KE players and put out of action within minutes of making the goal, disrupting our boys’ plays and key strategies. While our boys persisted in challenging KE’s defence, making multiple attempts at the goal, Shu Wei’s absence proved to be detrimental to the team’s morale and gameplay, with KE pulling away to a 5-2 lead at the end of the game.

Shuwei's last few moments of glory before getting injured :(
Line 2: 6-3, W
Ivan, Arkar, Keith, David
This lineup featured a few new faces, with both Arkar and DavEd Sheeran making their exciting IHG floorball debut. The game started with KE gaining early possession of the ball, but Ivan swiftly snatches the ball from right under their noses and makes a shot at the goal, giving this line their first point and bringing our total score to 5-3 to Eusoff. This game proved to be an eventful one, with Ivan and Keith making numerous shots at the goal and David and Arkar fending off many of the opponent’s strategically-timed long shots. However, KE’s opportunistic attacking tactics and strong defence allowed them to hold our boys down to a total score of 8-8 by the end of their game.
Line 3: 3-2, W
Jin Song, Timothy, Stephen, Cedric
The third line featured Eusoff’s very own KPop star, J-Dragon, and his 3 backup dancers, Timothy, Stephen and Cedric. Just kidding, but I digress - the skill displayed by this lineup is truly no laughing matter. Throughout the game, our players truly let their experience in the sport shine through as they deftly passed the ball back and forth between each other, looking for opportunities to score. Our floorballers also displayed exemplary sportsmanship, with Timothy stopping the play to help the opponent to his feet after an aggressive play for the ball left him on the floor. This lineup of boys made sure to keep their defence tight, blocking off KE’s signature long shots and keeping the total score to a narrow deficit of 11-10 to KE.
Line 4: 10-1, W
Demetrius, Ryan Tham, Jun Wei, Sean (GK)
Just as the morale of the team was starting to dip from some of the misplays in the previous lines, our star-studded freshie lineup calmly strolled onto the court, ready to destroy their opponents. Right off the bat, Ryan Tham easily gains Eusoff early possession of the ball and allows Demetrius to score within the first 10 seconds of the game. Following this, Jun Wei and Ryan Tham proceeded to make numerous goals in quick succession, with Ryan Tham making some rather humiliating goals for the KE team, lightly pushing the ball and watching as it slowly rolled past KE’s defence into the goal. The audience watched on in awe as our talented line of superstar players effortlessly moved the ball around on court and rained shots down on the poor KE goalkeeper, leaving KE’s defence hopelessly overwhelmed with the ball rarely leaving their side of the court. By the end of the first of six periods, our boys had already pulled ahead of the opponent with a score of 13-11 to Eusoff. Numerous sick steals by Demetrius and clinically-executed shots by Ryan and Jun Wei had KE scrambling to recoup their losses with many long shot attempts towards our goal, which were skillfully blocked by Sean. Demetrius also proved to be a man of sportsmanship, helping to fix the KE goalkeeper up with his extensive physiotherapy knowledge after he sustained a mild injury blocking one of Ryan’s killer shots. The match ended with the fourth line tearing the lead apart with a final score of 20-12 to Eusoff, proving yet again that our Eusoff Floorball team is not to be trifled with.

Ryeones, our freshie superstar, causes the sidelines to go WIIIILLLLD multiple times
Despite a rather bumpy start to the game, the Eusoff floorball team’s quick thinking and skill allowed them to maintain their IHG winning streak. Lets cheer the boys on as they make their way to the semi-finals this Sunday!