Written by: Natalia Ng Yi Xing
Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Photos by: Eusoff Works
After their win against RH, the floorball girls are back in MPSH6 for their semifinals match against the KEVII floorball team. While the KE girls put up a good fight against our team, they were completely overwhelmed by our offence, with the ball rarely ever leaving their side of the court. The Eusoff floorball girls came out with a landslide win of 18-1 to Eusoff, advancing the team to the finals with ease.
Line 1: 6-0, W
Nikki, Humaira, Elis, Xin Tian
This lineup must have gotten so stacked from that B3 air. The game started slow, with neither team making any progress on the scoreboard, bringing the score for the first shift to 0-0. Several missed shots by both teams were made before Humaira broke through with an insane shot from just over the half-court line, earning Eusoff our first point of the day. Following this, KE nearly makes a shot at our goal, only to have it bounce off the goalpost, bringing the score for the second period to 1-0 to Eusoff. Nikki makes a quick shot for the goal just a second into the third period, followed by back-to-back shots by Nikki and Humaira bringing the score to 4-0. KE decides that they did not want to make things easier for themselves, pushing a shot by our girls right into their own goal. At the end of the sixth shift, the girls’ solid teamwork and clinical shots earned us a 6-0 lead over the KE team.

Line 2: 9-0, W
Celine, Tamelly, Zoey, Lily
Our next line featured our most popular player on the livestream, Zoey, as well as skilled players Celine, Tamelly and Lily. Within the first period, this line displayed unreal levels of teamwork and chemistry, with Celine making a decisive goal assisted by Lily. All four girls then decided to abuse KE by raining shots relentlessly on their defence, wearing them out as much as they could. KE then makes an opportunistic shot, narrowly missing the goal yet again. The Eusoff girls quickly gained back possession of the ball and continuously fired shots at KE’s goal yet again, forcing one of the players to squat in the box in defence and earning Zoey a penalty shot. Several clinically- executed goals by Celine, Lily and Zoey, coupled with unbeatable defence by Tamelly, allowed us to tear the lead apart with a total score of 15-0 to Eusoff by the end of the game for this lineup. While Zoey did not achieve her fan-set target of 10 goals, she definitely proved herself to be a ridiculously good player worthy of her 2 wristbands.

line 2 erupted with cheers as they ended off their game with an amAAZING score of 9-0
Line 3: 1-0, W
Rachel Ow, Michelle, Shanice, Jovanna (keeper)
This next lineup featured Michelle making her exciting IHG floorball debut. The game started with Shanice and some KE girl making their way to the centre of the court for the face-off and staring intently at the ball for a good 30 seconds before realising the referee was not even present to begin the game. An intense fight for the ball with KE ensued that ended with Shanice lying on the floor. Throughout the game, our girls withheld the ball from the KE players, deftly passing the ball back and forth between each other, giving the KE team little opportunities to attack. Coupled with Eusoff’s aggressive defence tactics and the girls’ accurate shots from all angles, we managed to pull ahead with a score of 1-0 to Eusoff for the line, bringing the total score to 16-0 to Eusoff.
Line 4: 2-1, W
Ying Ying, Nat Law, Jerica, Queenie (keeper)
Our last line featured none other than our captain, Ying Ying, as well as Nat Law, Jerica and Queenie as our goalkeeper, making for a stacked lineup to end off today’s match. Ying Ying made the first goal for the line within the first shift, bringing the score to 17-0 to Eusoff. However, KE quickly retaliated by taking advantage of a lapse in our defence to shoot past Queenie, gaining them their sole point for the day. Not to be outdone, our girls tightened our defences, giving KE absolutely zero chances to get their blades on the ball, constantly passing the ball back and forth to maintain possession. Our girls shot relentlessly at the KE goalkeeper, who remained calm as she tenaciously fought off shot after shot. However, an opportunistic shot by Nat while the keeper was down managed to gain us a one-point lead, bringing the final score for the match to an impressive 18-0 to Eusoff.

our national floorballer getting past 2 defenders with ease
Well done to the floorball girls and congratulations on making it to the finals! Tune in to the livestream as we cheer the girls on to bring home the gold for their finals match next Sunday.