Written by: Natalia Ng Yi Xing
Edited by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Photos by: Eusoff Works
Our floorball girls kicked off their IHG journey with a match with Kent Ridge Hall on the 9th of January. In an exciting series of events, the floorballers dominated their opponents with an impressive final score of 13-4 to Eusoff.
Line 1: 5-1, W
Ying Ying, Nat Law, Emma, Jovanna (keeper)
The game began with the 2 teams neck and neck at a score of 1-1 by the end of the first shift. Not to be outdone, our team captain, Ying Ying, continuously rained shots down on the opponent, putting immense pressure on KR’s wavering defense. Shift 2 saw Ying Ying scoring her second goal of the match, allowing the team to pull away with a score of 2-1 to Eusoff. KR proved to be a formidable opponent, deftly fending off our floorballers’ shots through the third period. However, the fourth period saw Nat Law continuously showing KR up in the face-offs and gaining possession of the ball. Ying Ying makes a fake pass towards Emma and some very sick assists to Nat Law, allowing her to tear through KR’s defence. Through an impressive display of skills, the girls came away with a solid 4-point lead at a score of 5-1 to Eusoff.

Line 2: 2-0, W
Elis, Nikki, Humaira, Xin Tian
The second line of the day featured our stacked bunch of B blockers. The set started off with Eusoff gaining early possession of the ball, allowing Elis to make an impressive first goal for the line. Following this was several insane possession plays and sick intercepts by the girls, moving the ball beautifully around the court and giving KR no chances to attack. The Eusoff floorballers truly controlled the pace of the game today, making rapid-fire shots at KR’s goal. Their relentless offensive strategies paid off, allowing our line of skilled players to come out on top with a score of 2-0 to Eusoff.

Line 3: 3-2, W
Rachel Ow, Shakinah, Shanice, Queenie (keeper)
From the moment the game began, Shanice proved herself to be worth her salt as the star senior of the sport by gaining Eusoff an early possession of the ball. From there, Rachel Ow and Shanice took turns showering the opponent with shots from all directions, overwhelming KR’s defence and giving their goalkeeper a really hard time. Shanice takes advantage of KR’s scrambling defence to make a shot straight for the goal, earning the line their first point. Following this, KR gains possession of the ball, but our girls are not ones to back down. Rachel Ow displayed some crazy defensive plays, relentlessly pressuring the opponent into fouling and giving up possession of the ball. The insane teamwork and skill displayed by this stacked lineup allowed them to pull ahead of their opponents with a score of 3-2 to Eusoff.

Line 4: 3-1, W
Zoey, Tamelly, Celine, Lily
Our final line of the day featured some of our tiniest players. Don’t be fooled by their size, though, as these girls displayed mad skills and speed that allowed them to dominate their opponents on court. The last line started off their match with an adorable group huddle before getting their heads in the game, ready to decimate their opponents. The game began with Celine gaining Eusoff an early possession of the ball. From there, our players were able to maintain possession of the ball, making long passes and sick possession plays, waiting for opportunities to exploit KR’s defence and make shots for the goal. Eventually, our girls emerged victorious with an impressive score of 3-1, bringing our final score to an overwhelming victory of 13-4 to Eusoff.

Congratulations to our floorball girls for an outstanding performance against the formidable KR team! Let’s cheer them on as they continue to accumulate victories in their coming IHG matches.