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Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Written By: Liang Shu-Jing Edited By: Valeria Chua & Jolene Wong Photographs By: EusoffWorks

It was time again for our Floorball girls to take the court! In the second day of this year’s Floorball (F) Carnival, Eusoff Floorball girls team was going up against Sheares Hall (SH) and Temasek Hall (TH). Feeling confident from the wins from the previous week, our Floorball girls were raring to go once again on a sunny Sunday morning.

Our first game was against SH and as soon as the game started, veteran Sabrina took a daring shot in the beginning of the first quarter, asserting our dominance right from the get-go. Prying into the holes of SH’s defence, coupled with non-stop attacks, multiple shots from Eusoff left SH trailing behind, fumbling to keep up. Gin took a drag shot past a SH defender, taking advantage of the defence concentrated on the right hand and took a shot down the middle from the left. Good try from Captain Celeste as she maneuvered the ball in between the defenders and aimed for a long distance goal. Unfortunately, SH’s defence was tight and it bounced off one of the defenders. Seeing an open opportunity, Ke En immediately took another quick aim AND IN IT WENT!! The crowd roared in celebration as Eusoff was now leading 1-0. What a start to the game!

Claudia continued Eusoff’s aggressive plays with quick and nimble feet. Some say she might as well be the next Usain Bolt as she easily outruns her opponents! Star player and doctor-to-be Jingting then made a sik angled shot, leaving SH’s goalkeeper stunned and unable to react in time. Some sick plays there by Jingting!  She was truly made for Floorball – her keen intuition and reflexes as well as familiarity with dribbling the ball was simply admirable!

As the match continued to intensify, Gin and Claudia endured ferocious tackles at the attacking zone to bring the ball to a favourable spot to create a beautiful set-up for a shot! Captain Celeste continued to display her control with accurate long shots bypassing half the length of the court. What a beast! As SH warmed up their engines, Choi Ying made a nice timely steal, preventing an easy shot into the goal. Goalie Weilynn was also on fire as she made various good decisions, choosing to save the ball in mid-air. Such professionalism! Right then, Stephanie DC took a swing despite being caught in between two defenders for yet another goal for Eusoff.  Le Yi attempted a beautiful cross to the goal. However, the ball came a little short. This did not dampen our spirits as Eusoff was on a roll, bagging goal after goal! With Jingting’s brilliant slap shots as she positioned herself advantageously and Captain Celeste’s sik angled shots from half court, it was two consecutive goals for Eusoff! Celeste completely dominated the game, never losing a tackle to any of her opponents. No one stands in the way of Celeste when she is in the zone! Each shot she took had the audience trembling in anticipation (or you could say in fear for SH). Tremendous saves from Wei Wei kept the goals from SH to a minimum. Natalie took things up another level to widen their lead. Just like this, the game ended with a 10-1 score to Eusoff! Wew! What a game!!!

After a break in between, it was finally time for the match we have all been waiting for! Our female Floorball team was up against TH, our traditional rivals. The entire MPSH was filled with loud cheers and hoots. It was certainly going to be a battle of hall pride, a spectacle not to be missed!

The moment the face off began, TH went all out. However, Eusoff remained calm and collected, putting on great defense against TH’s aggressive plays. Celeste and Dawn were quick to clear the ball out of danger’s way. At the same time, whenever a quick change in possession occured, TH’s defence was quick to fall back. Beautiful plays were made from Gin as usual as she dribbled past defenders, making great assists and taking shots herself. Weilynn was in tip top condition as she made many great saves to keep TH’s offence at bay, with her cat-like reflexes and hawk-eye tracking TH’s forwards’ every movement.

Momentum was on TH’s side in the first period. Temasek was an opponent of a whole new level from the rest of the teams Eusoff had previously played against. They had many experienced players and strategic plays, making them a tough team to crack. One small slip up in the passing and it would have been a steal. A change in possession and a possibility of a goal let in was at stake. It was a very high intensity match indeed! The spectators were buzzing in excitement and cheering for Eusoff to draw the first blood. Jingting maked a beautiful cross court pass to bring the ball forward. What a power play! In the next play, Natalie made a beautiful steal and an angled shot would have sealed the deal but the TH goalkeeper was a forte herself. Swift was her reflexes as she defended the ball. TH pursued on with their relentless attacks, sprinting down the length of the court at breakneck speed only to stopped by Weilynn as she made beautiful saves twice in a row!! Is she even human???

As we marvel at our Floorball girl’s defence, our attacks are second to none! A series of attempted shots ensued, aaaaand Natalie does it again! A beautiful slap shot into the goal!! Natalie was on fire, prying open their defence and waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce on! TH was hot on our heels as they subsequently scored, leveling the score at 1-1. It was indeed a tit for tat, both teams were indeed on par with one another. Each steal was followed up with a come back steal. Heart thumping excitement and adrenaline pumped through the players which extended to the spectators. A sik pass from Celeste guided the ball directly to the front of the goal post but was unfortunately intercepted by a TH defender. Another great attempt from Keen at goal, however the ball came short but nonetheless it gave the TH defence a scare!!!

In a crucial moment in the final period, a free hit was given to Temasek but our strong defense held up and prevented the goal which would have given TH the lead. Stephanie then quickly turned the tide around with a beautiful shot to the corner post! This gave the team confidence to continue their dominance of the match. A great pass by Gin gave Temasek another close scare as their defence struggled to keep up with the pace of our attacks. A moment of carelessness now can cost the game! And it’s down to the last five minutes. Temasek’s attacks became increasingly ferocious as they became desperate for a goal but Eusoff defence was not one to crack under pressure.

And with the persistent defence from our girls, the match concluded with a score of 2-1 to Eusoff. The crowd cheered in celebration as our Floorball girls walked towards the audience to thank them for their support. With two more wins to Eusoff, our Floorball girls are ready and pumped to take on Kent Ridge Hall in their last match. All the best!


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