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Basketball (M) Finals VS. KR

Updated: Aug 1, 2020

Written by: Ong Jia Jie Edited by: Leung Lok Heng & Choa Zhao Xiang Photos by: EusoffWorks

As the Basketball (M) finals was about to commence, the whole hall was already celebrating the fact that we have once again retained the overall IHG champions following Basketball (F)’s win. However, our boys know that they still have to prove why they are the reigning champions, and prove they did.

The game started off a little shaky, with our attempts getting denied and our shots were simply not going down. The KR offence managed to shake up our defence and accrue a 2-8 lead early in the game. That was until UNCLE LOO decided he had enough of this nonsense and stepped onto the court to show all the young’uns how it’s done. Raymond attacked the basket hard and bedazzled everyone with his slick movement, spinning and juking the defenders at every turn, forcing them to foul him and he visited the foul line plenty of times to put up free throws. Following Uncle Loo’s lead, Dylan went full beast mode BLOCKING KR’s shot and forcing a 24 second shot clock violation. He then proceeded to juice a BIG SEXY THREE in their faces oof. Jovi also narrowed the scoreline with fantastic drives to the basket, giving us the tying basket of the quarter. 12-12 at the end of the first quarter.


Coming off the first quarter, KR once again took off fast again – a few unfortunate turnovers and balls not going in gave KR the lead early again. Our boys quickly adapted and calmed themselves down, and started building themselves up again starting from defence. They managed to force KR to take many contested shots, leading to airballs after airballs. Then who else but Jovi to give us back our rhythm with two BACK TO BACK THREES! This monster has more threes the entire KR combined thus far. Good ball movement and hustle allowed us to pull ahead in the second quarter, albeit slightly. 25-22 to Eusoff at the end of the half.

Our basketballers decided to end their season with a bang and put the pedal to the metal. Our boys went out FOR BLOOD – scoring almost what they had in the LAST TWO QUARTERS IN THE THIRD and HOLDING KR TO JUST 5 POINTS. Our absolutely suffocating defence gave KR 0 chance to carry out any offence as our boys didn’t give them any space to shoot at all. We don’t even need to mention names since EVERYONE played a huge part in the defence! Blocks and rebounds gave us firm control of the game and then it’s our turn to dance on their graves – a sexy no-look pass from Jovi to Shyann who EUROSTEPS IN FOR A SICK BASKET. Jason is clearly a fan of money heist, trying to cast for a role in season 4 on the court as he repeatedly picks the pockets of the KR players and leading to ez baskets (even got an AND-1 off a steal… holy cow). Superb hustle from the boys all around as they extended their lead in the third. 54-27 to Eusoff (WOW).


With such a big third quarter, our boys kept the pressure on their opponents. One of the KR player’s shot got absolutely SMACKED OUT OF THE COUNTRY by GIANT BEH (but keep kena called for the foul cause he’s too stronk). Rotations coming out of the Eusoff bench to let everyone step on the court as everyone was eagerly waiting for the clock to run down. 5…..4.….3.….2….1…. “BORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR” (SOUND OF THE BUZZER) AND CONGRATULATIONS BASKETBALL (M) FOR RETAINING THE TITLE ONCE AGAIN! Our boys have ended IHG off well by winning the final game of the competition, further emphasizing why Eusoff IS the overall champion. GOOD JOB BOYS!


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